
Isn't Fatrick really just Schmidt from New Girl?



It would be like Season 3 of Prison Break, except you know.. good.

C.R.A.Z.Y. will argue you on that

What will ever happen to those Chekov's selfies?

I didn't think I would like this as much as I do

How long until NBC reboots Joey? 5 years? Less?

I really hope the movie is based on the making of the movie.

Three Dog (from Fallout) was too busy showing up in Homeland to be found in this apocalyptic wasteland

I think having the first 6 years of the tribulations on TV is good enough. The last season would make more sense as a movie I'm sure.

I thought the discussion was about San Diego

It's hard to top any band that brings out super villains mid-set

Lets hope it makes it several seasons so we get the season where Abby and Ichabod go back in time to stop the other horsemen during the Revolutionary War

Tengo un gato en mis pantalones

I, for one, cannot wait to find out if Sleepy Hollow manages to out-crazy Zero Hour


Does that mean Miley should release a line of Krewt-ons so she could save boring salads?

Well Played O'Neal… *Golf clap*

I'm still waiting for the Sharknado vs the Surf Nazis crossover movie