
I'm betting his ex-wife left him for a woman

But this version doesn't have that Marilyn Manson cover of Sweet Dreams on its soundtrack

There have been so many sarcastic comments about this movie that it created a….

I was going to pass until LFO-style. For some reason LFO still has pull on me

Thanks for making me rewatch the Schmidt's Technique video from Eggs. I forgot how much I loved "Pay the troll and answers his questions three" and "Every. Body. Gets. A. Churro."

It is Tuggb Romney. You can't forget the silent B

I don't even know the last time I head Caress Me Down. Solid choice for losing your virginity to business lady

The sidewalk ends in hell

This feud is so crazy its Three Loco

Shield himself from an explosion using only a Coke vending machine?

I know Green Day inspired your post, but it really should be "September Gurls" by Big Star

Whoever was blue in that last game of darts in Henry's room really needs to work on their aim. Nowhere near the dartboard.

I guess Russia was No Fun…

Murray from FOTC?

I don't know about the dinosaur Barney's shoes, but that is a really good cover of Phoenix

The band is actually big on triangles in their promo material. The fact that they ripped them off by adding more triangles is an extra insult.

To be fair, its an actual acronym for Young Americans Challenging High Technology, so in this case the caps are appropriate.

Save the baby, save the world.

Is it bad that I listened to the full 10 minute loop and hit repeat when it finished?

Meh. I prefer the schmaltz of the original