
Jesus was played by the lead singer of the All-American Rejects of singing the titular Dirty Little Secret. Meanwhile, looks like Tulip is about to give Jesse hell.

Are you sure that isn't Shaggy Dog?

Dear A.V. Club,

I hope he still pops up on random tracks, that song he did with James Murphy and Damon Albarn was the shit.

Memba Charlie Sheeeen? Memba the Major Leeeeeague

Clearly, its actually from Ricky Bobby's point of view.

Its too bad Grinder was cancelled because that would make for one hell of a cross over

Beyond Good & Evil 2: The Garden's Revenge

So you are saying if Steve Hartwell hadn't recovered, he wouldn't have gone to Champaign, Illinois?

When did they make fun of any Republicans? I only saw them make fun of Trump in those clips.

Totally agree with Head Automatica, but if we are throwing one hit dance punkers out there I would add the Teddybears' Cobrastyle

I dont know, possessing someone's heart seems pretty useful in inciting a riot. Plus, they already have crooked teeth from past riots.

Here is the link to the amazing video:

I think it means you just want to Netflix

This practically begs for Teti breakdown of the classic Sager looks

What type of chip you got in there, a Dorito?

Pffft…. Its no Kickpuncher

I'm pretty sure Kevin never met Wayne….

"But for those teetering on defection, which I’d imagine is a statistically significant portion of the audience, “Adversary” could constitute the final straw"

The real question is whether M Night Shyamalan is going to ghost write the remake too