
I'm a big D/E fan, so that probably colors my judgement, but my complaint that they've kept us on this "oh noes Elena could leave one brother for the other next week" place for too long. The "love triangle" for the first two seasons was more subtle. Stefan and Elena were together for most of it, and the triangle

Yeah, it seemed to me that someone like Jeremy, immune to his mind control and strong, was pretty evenly matched except for Silas' being a little more diabolical. He doesn't seem like so big a threat that Team Mystic Falls can't find a way to at least trap him somewhere this season.

Well, sure, but I think she's got all kinds of worries like Silas, disease, and car accidents that rank way above gaining weight? Seems like an unnecessarily shallow conclusion to jump to that smacks of sexism, even if that wasn't the intent.

Except that's not actually what a banshee scream is for?

Teen Wolf might actually be able to pull that one off. Its certainly my favorite option for how this triangle works out.

This is my going theory until its disproven, yes. It fits with most of the pieces, since there had to be a reason we met Paige in the first place and she died beneath that druid tree, and I don't buy that it was just to make us understand Derek (we mostly had a handle on that already). If Jennifer either is Paige or

Yeah, from every tiny spoiler I've read, it really seems to me that they wrote a hefty part of the mystery with Carrie Bishop, found out they couldn't get Meester and it was way too late to rewrite the script and was just easier to recast.

And its driving me nuts. I'm actually cool with Jennifer/Derek, even though its pretty boring and she's an undeveloped plot device. Apparently, though, the actress said in the after show that Jennifer is in love with Derek, and I scoff at that so hard. They've been in the same room for like 2 hours total. I buy

I don't know about the others, but there's no freaking way that Stiles lying on top of Derek was accidental last season. It literally served no purpose other than a nod to the Sterek fandom.

I generally take the tumblr obsessive interpretations of things with a grain of salt, but the fangirls are winning me over with the theory that Stiles is unspooling this season. His argument with the Coach last ep with the whistle-blowing and disregard for his own safety in this episode could be big indicators that

Derek told Scott to get Boyd and Cora out while he got the teacher, so I'm going with the idea that they were unconscious and not dead. I guess he could have meant their bodies, but it didn't read that way to me.

I was at ATX and want to second what Todd & Ryan said about the content of screenings and the oddity of where the festival falls in the calendar. Because new stuff hasn't been filmed, we were shown the recently aired "Graduation" episode of TVD, and I think the same thing happened at the Scandal panel. It wasn't all

You're in luck, because the actor confirmed in his message to the backers that the pornstache is alive and well.

I'm guessing there'll be another news item at some point, but they've announced Cliff McCormack, Madison Sinclair, and Luke of the steroids in Tijuana case (aka Sam Huntington) will all be back for the film.

We're only two episodes in, but the writers seem to be doing much better at playing to what Hoechlin does well. His facial expressions are great, and he's pretty good at the sassy one liners they're handing him.

An update: Kickstarter backers got the email this evening that Francis Capra is confirmed to return as Weevil!

Lowell said he still hangs out with her, Dohring and Hansen, so it just amuses me to think of that kind of honesty among friends. Lowell also shared that Thomas basically told him when he was hired that fans were going to loathe Piz regardless.

Fun story: I was at the Veronica Mars panel at the ATX Television Festival this weekend. Chris Lowell was the only cast member there, along with Rob Thomas. When talking about the Kickstarter video, Lowell said he asked Kristen Bell why he wasn't in the video and her response was "Nobody likes Piz, dude."

My biggest issue with Teen Wolf is that they often mistake confusing writing for being mysterious to the audience. Its fine for me to not have it all figured out, but there's a point at which you just check out because its unnecessarily vague.