
I saw one of the dates on her last tour and it was an awesome concert. The songs were a lot better live without the "this sounds too self-produced" shit going on. Even the ballads were great in a live context. She also did some killer covers.

I saw one of the dates on her last tour and it was an awesome concert. The songs were a lot better live without the "this sounds too self-produced" shit going on. Even the ballads were great in a live context. She also did some killer covers.

Oh hey, Christian, I asked you about that Jandek gig on facebook and you wrote me this really nice and detailed reply but I went on a hiatus from the internet for awhile and it seemed weird to reply months after the fact. I felt bad about that.

Oh hey, Christian, I asked you about that Jandek gig on facebook and you wrote me this really nice and detailed reply but I went on a hiatus from the internet for awhile and it seemed weird to reply months after the fact. I felt bad about that.

Is this the same Christian Kiefer from Davis or whatever who played those fucked up banjo solos at that Jandek show?

Is this the same Christian Kiefer from Davis or whatever who played those fucked up banjo solos at that Jandek show?

The best Clash II song ever is Fingerpoppin', you imbecile.

The best Clash II song ever is Fingerpoppin', you imbecile.


I agree. To anyone reading, that's worth seeking out. Better than anything on this album.

I know this is a tangent, but if there's an appropriate place to do it, it's here: I just saw Todd Snider last year doing a very refined acoustic set of road-tested material. He's coming back to town in a few weeks, but I'm busy and poor. Is he playing acoustic for touring this album, or does he have a band? And are

The Beat Farmers were from San Diego, and they were the best cowpunk band in the world for a while there.

I just saw him back in January with Honeyboy Edwards. Best blues I've ever heard live. Both of those guys were the shit.


[bullshit joke comment I hate in retrospect]


There's a solo around the minute mark of Something Came Over Me that is bugging the hell out of me because it distinctly reminds me of the solo or melody to another song. New Order or one of the more melodic punk bands maybe, I dunno.

I love Arrested Development, but season 3 is embarrassing on so many levels. It's aggressively stupid and cartoony, its callbacks and attempts to recreate classic jokes are almost all failures (the one-armed man callback is unwatchable), and it all but destroyed some of the characters, most notably George Sr. and

I also want to say that I love these write-ups and have read all of them, though my schedule's a bit too rough to actually watch and talk about them in sequence.

My dad has 4 kids and a Toyota Sequoia. You'd need to cancel: