
Just wanted to say thank you. I have read every single one of your episode reviews, and watched all of the episodes on schedule with you - I always loved Newsradio, but thanks to you I remembered what I forgot in the years since it ended: it's one of the best fucking comedies ever, and in its original run it was

That's still on?
Holy fuck!

Adventure Time is way more entertaining to me than Regular Show on the basis of character and art alone.


[bullshit troll post that I hate in retrospect]

You know why? Because you drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an $80,000 BMW. THAT'S my name.


Don't go putting any pills in the audience's jellybeans. They don't take kindly to that sort of behavior in Ireland.

They're not half bad. I like The News EP a lot.

It's my opinion that Get Down Moses is every bit as good as any Clash song. That song blows my mind.

Wasted potential
I love that Damon Albarn had Mick Jones and Paul Simonon at his disposal and did nothing with them on this album. The whole thing sounds like an advertisement for iPad apps.

You talking about that girl from "The Room"?

I like how you spelled his name wrong even though it's spelled correctly right at the top of the window.

See: that gal from Christopher Guest's first Hollywood sendup, "The Big Picture."

This is one of those internet detective stories I love reading about on shady blogs. There seems to be a 50% chance with actresses like this that they were a) killed in shocking ways, b) sent to jail in shocking ways, or the wildcard c), where they tended bar in the sleaziest parts of Los Angeles, disappeared for

I finally saw this and it rules. It's so goddamn sleazy.

"Can't Get Over You"
Classic throwback garage/girl-group sound on that song, awesome cut. Haven't really followed them beyond that, but that song really has something special. Good enough for me to give this a shot.

I wonder what happened to Jill Lansing.
IMDB tells me she completely fell off the face of the earth after this film. Anybody know what happened to her?

I recall he just didn't like its production, which is essentially why "Live Seeds" was made. Hell, he still plays like 3 or 4 songs from the album on a regular basis. He wouldn't do that if he didn't like the songs.

Curse of Millhaven and O'Malley's Bar, also hilarious.