
Okay, my ten favorites, in no particular order:

Best Bad Seeds song?
I'm gonna throw a wild card out there: More News From Nowhere. That's right.

Here's your two characters.
Betty and her congressman husband. They get shithammered and drive off a cliff. Show is instantly 10 times better.

Oh shit that was supposed to be posted on my unregistered ironic nickname.

His opinions on videogames are why God in his Glory took his voice away from him.

I prefer handheld games because I'm more likely to be able to play them for 10 minutes at a time. I got shit to do now. Consoles are bogus. Fallout takes a zillion hours to play, and I would rather spend that time vegging.


If they cancel Justified, I am going to murder some motherfuckers.

Wasn't X pretty much over in 1984? Pretty sure they were on track to becoming a roots-rock band at that point.

Met her at a show.
We were at a Honeyboy Edwards show and she was a pretty awesome lady and it was good times. I was only really familiar with Car Wheels before that show but after that I decided to get into her catalogue in earnest.

You think you know pain? You think I made your life HELL?

You know, for the record, every single person I've ever talked to about movies has at some point mentioned that Natalie Portman is a horrible actress, so the question is valid, at least to my circle of friends.

Who else thought the Dave Alvin cameo was cool?
Anybody? Anybody?

I don't care what they thought of it, I just don't know how they missed it. It's a comeback on the level of Cash's American Recordings, and they never even talked about the damn thing.


Thanks for that incite into your muse, Natalie. Were the sex scenes in "Black Swan" simulated?

And all the sampling and newfound relevance appears to have done nothing but let him think his drug abuse is okay. His popularity may well be his enabler. Why didn't his producers or Damon Albarn or anybody involved get him help?

Yeah, I listened to this tonight and couldn't stand it. It's just overbearing noodling that buries Gil's voice. It doesn't even qualify as a remix album since most of the songs completely disappear as yet another noise in Jamie xx's aimless arrangements. I just don't know what was meant to be accomplished here.

Reviewed this but didn't review "I'm New Here"?
What gives, avclub? "I'm New Here" might have actually been my favorite album of 2010 and it wasn't even on your radar. Shameful.

Reminds me of "War Inc." A semi-sequel to Grosse Pointe Blank starring the same major cast should be awesome. Instead, even when I was completely drunk at 3 in the morning watching it on HBO2, it was still one of the most shocking disappointments ever. I can't remember anything about it except for how low-energy and