
Got a 5 year old brother. Blue's Clues is the only show he watches other than old Thomas The Tank episodes that doesn't treat him like an idiot. I don't know that there are any currently airing kid's shows of that sort these days.

Christopher Walken. Pulp Fiction.
There's your number one, bitches. Pack it in.

It's like that Zevon song. I'd rather feel bad than not feel anything at all. Jandek at least makes me uncomfortable and on edge.

I've listened to so much music that I've hit an absolute saturation point. Nothing based in any pop form does it for me anymore outside of bands I already liked.

I find the paintball sequence in Spaced considerably funnier than when Community did the same joke. It knows when to quit, and it has a few touches that are done far better than Community. Basically, Community winks at you with the joke the whole time and the actors are mugging through the whole thing. On Spaced,

I hope they find a cure for canceraids where it's like "we can totally cure you, as long as you never posted any bullshit firsties at the avclub website" and you're all "sad_face."

#1 should have been Oprah.

Louie is the best comedy I've seen since the British Office, at least in terms of raw investment in the central character and the sense that I'm watching a piece of great art. And he balances that profundity with just some of the funniest damn shit I've seen in forever.

Trouble In Mind
This is a really excellent record, I suspect it'll wind up being one of the best roots albums of the year, but it's a little too improvisational for me. Aside from the hysterical narrative wordplay of the title track, which is my favorite song of the year so far, the writing and instrumentation that

That column was pretty frustrating, since it focused largely on people we have total cultural saturation awareness of. I already saw Coal Miner's Daughter and heard that Jack White album. I don't need a feature on Loretta Lynn. And he didn't gleam any insight from the shitty people he covered, like Garth Brooks.

That photo.
She looks batshit insane, and not in a good way.


Oh yeah, that's right, I have an X icon.

This is the best idea ever, bring him back.

What A Fool Believes would have been way better, you guys are shitheads.

My Jandek suggestions didn't get picked? You people are dicks.

First Charlie Louvin, now this.
Shit, who's gonna unexpectedly die next? Ralph Stanley? Phyllis Diller? George Burns? Did he ever die?

What are you gonna do, suck me to death?

I tried to show a friend of mine that Louie scene.
He got mad and told me to turn it off because it was too sacrilegious. That is some bullshit, no?

Yeah, my problem with Van Lear Rose isn't really the songs, it's that as a producer, Jack White seems to have zero sense of nuance or texture.