
this reeks of bullshit
there's no way his hobby swing band or whatever is important enough to quit working for Conan. La Bamba has a hobby band too, and you don't see him quitting the show over that shit.


Somebody needs to make a torrent site for unreleased pilots. I really want to see this and that "Thick of It" remake Hurwitz/Guest did that apparently was unwatchable. Call me a masochist.

Although when I say "fun to listen to," in a way I mean, "my life is such a trainwreck that I like the same fate befalling famous people just to know someone else is as miserable as I am oh shit I'm out of southern comfort."

Those Gibson tapes were more fun to listen to than pretty much any album I heard this year. Following the tapes was like following Lil Wayne, tracks dropping all sporadic and shit while anticipation for the whole thing blew up.

Radiohead sucks. They're complete bullshit. Pretentious doesn't even enter into it.

I mean wistful!

This news makes me horny!
So very horny.

Grosse Pointe Blank is an excellent movie.

Yes. I like those shows but I'm not gonna pretend they're really any good.

And the constant stream of horrible ads leading up to the pilot on Showtime.

Nah, I saw the pilot. Eat a dick.

I was being facetious, but it does look like a melodrama masquerading as a quirky comedy for marketing purposes or something.

The Big C
This looks like a melodrama disguised as a comedy that only women could possibly like, because it's about a feminine yet confident and empowered woman dealing with death by being all happy sunshine random, which is brave or whatever.


I love this album
It's fucking wild and sexually unhinged in a way that even the first album wasn't.

Well, it's just 100 points minus age of death.

Four points in my death pool
Scored 5 cheap points on him and John Wooden. Zsa Zsa's hanging in there though, which is weird. Thought that would be another 7.

Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen fascinate me because in films and other projects (e.g. Armisen on Thunderant), they're both hilarious, but they're largely absolutely fucking unwatchable on SNL. I still don't know why that is.

Another of a very select few bands that I loved after hearing about 10 seconds of them: Sleater-Kinney. Holy shit, One Beat was an insanely great record. And then they somehow managed to one-up it.