
X and my borderline alcoholism.
I was a huge punk rock fan for most of my life but I hadn't heard of X until I moved to LA.

It's not that it sucks, it's that it's so unmotivated. It's like these guys filmed the whole thing hungover.


The worst part about canceraids is that you can't be quite sure which part of the disease is gonna kill you, the cancer or the AIDS. AIDS.

AVclub: supports stealing TV shows via bittorrent.

Piss Shit Fart
"Her parents were hippies."

Did I mention…
That George Lucas fucking sucks?

Peggy on King of the Hill. What an infuriating goddamn character.

I would keep the ewoks in the final movie, just have them die in mountingly shocking ways.

It's funny
Because George Lucas fucking sucks!

McMurtry also did a great duet with Townes on "Snowin' On Raton," from those apparently massive duet sessions that never went anywhere. I think even Bono is said to have done one.

Speaking of McMurtry's Rex's Blues, I saw James McMurtry once when he was playing down the street at some shit hole bar on the outskirts of LA. Townes is the saddest folk songwriter ever, but McMurtry came goddamned close several times at that show. He did this acoustic song to close out the show, Lights of Cheyenne,

I didn't come around to Mr. Mudd until I heard the "oh shit this guy's gonna die" version on "In Pain." Makes it more apocalyptic, I think.

Jackass has one big problem for me, which is that in season 4 I feel the female characters turned into commodities - the show's writing was too obviously male-centric to convincingly write female characters, so there are some attempts to make characters sexy or flirty that are really hamfisted. And the play on

Favorite Van Zandt songs?

Force her to go with you to a movie that's not shit? Ghosts is great.

Oh shit, you're right. I actually own War Games.

I enjoyed Munroe more. It's a lot more conventionally entertaining. That's not to say it's better, but I thought it was quite a page-turner.

This dude has been in 153 movies/TV shows, and I haven't seen a damn one of them.

The Gladiator 2 script is so absolutely fucking insane that it's a tragedy it didn't get made. It solves the "he dies at the end" problem by being unashamedly ridiculous, and it probably would have actually made a great movie. It would have ruined the franchise by not really having jackshit to do with the first one,