
Time for some catharsis.
A big fuck you to Dick Ebersol and Jeff Zucker for kicking Conan to the curb, and an even bigger fuck you to Jay Leno for sitting idly by while you watch the curb kicking.

Jeff Zucker should die in an embarrassing sexual accident.
Fuckin' Zucker, man.

So, here's a question.
When did you get into Johnny Cash?

The American series are the best *albums* Johnny Cash ever made, and Bob Dylan is mostly an insane crackpot.

You ever hear of the Seattle Seven?
That was me.

I haven't been this mad since the Beatles let Eric Clapton play on While My Guitar Gently Weeps!

My grandparents
My grandparents are walking, talking anachronisms to most of my family. So it's interesting to read this column because it sheds light on all the country music they talk about that I've never heard of (you know, going beyond Merle Haggard, Cash, George Jones, Shaver, etc.). It helps me relate to them.

Gotta mention
The video games based on this movie for the Game Boy are both totally awesome. Probably the best shooters on the system, not that that's saying much.

Gotta give props here.
X - not X Japan, Johnny Hit And Run Paulene X - released a Christmas EP this year. Hearing Santa Claus is Coming To Town with the false intro from Los Angeles is absurdly funny.

Fairytale of New York
The definitive video of the definitive Christmas song and no obligatory mention of him being in it? On the 21st?

Saying it's the best since Tenenbaums bums me out since it unfairly screws over Zissou and Darjeeling, both of which are much better movies.

And I used to say, if he's got a long enough hose, he's gonna have a lot of friends in the shower room.

As an old Yeah Yeah Yeahs fan, answer me this.
I LOVE the first Yeah Yeah Yeahs album, all of their early EPs, and even have a soft spot for the second album, even if it sounds a little bit too safe and AOR-ish. I listen to them regularly.

Don't mess with the expensive version unless you're already a HUGE Petty fan. Dollar difference ain't worth it.

I love this thing.
Listened to it in my car quite a bit and it's seriously one of the best live packages I've ever seen. The song selections are amazing and meticulous. In fact, it might be the easiest first purchase choice if you want to check out Tom Petty.

I somewhat agree.
Ultimately, as another late recruit to the Ghostbusters phenomenon, I look at it this way:

I gotta side with the man with the Joe Strummer icon. For whatever reason, The Band doing instrumentation and backing vocals on Like A Rolling Stone (particularly Levon) just blows my mind every time and turns it into this unbelievable populist epic unlike anything else in rock. The album has almost all of my favorite

I posted that Dylan digression in the wrong thread. Whoops.

No, they can sing - they're awesome on Last Waltz, but here they're either strung out or phoning it in or something. The version of Stage Fright here literally sucks compared to the same song on Last Waltz. So does I Shall Be Released, which is sung way too damn high, for one thing.