
I was thinking about this extensively on my way to work and it occurs to me that I can't viably explain an 8 cock scenario without using, like, the ears or something. Anything beyond two cocks per orifice might as well be impossible, so after mouth and hoo-hah and whoa-there, you're still only at 6 cocks.

why did I say the Who?! I meant Daltrey/Townshend. The real Who died twice: first with Moon, and then again with poor Entwistle.

Before The Flood is basically my *favorite* live album because it contains my favorite arrangements and the most passionate, frantic vocals on a number of Dylan songs. It has the best versions of almost every full-band song he does there: Most Likely You Go Your Way, It Ain't Me Babe, Ballad of a Thin Man, All Along

Listen, bickering aside, I understand that this movie is literally pornography compared to the classics of American cinema. I understand that this is *actually* no better than some San Fernando Valley porn girl taking 8 cocks at once.

Haha, W has a good point about US tours. I was just bitching because I enjoy being a negative person.

Shows them for not coming to the west coast.

I adore its use in Eastbound. "And I'll contemplate on my own pains and sorrows, perhaps while listening to this music."

I hope they do a pre-taped bit where they high-five a lot and say "Oscar hosting!" in random environments and then there's an LSD sequence!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa.
I thought you established a self-imposed ban on "cautiously optimistic," Rabin. YOU ARE THE HIGHEST ORDER OF HYPOCRITE.

Must Be Santa
Must Be Santa is the clear winner on this album. It's hysterical. It basically sounds like a particularly drunk Tom Waits covering a song he doesn't remember the words to with a band that was already in the studio. Alternating between reindeer and president names is particularly insane.

Me too. Watched the news, cut class, and had my dad drive me to the store to go get the new Dylan album. Listened to it like 5 times that day.

kind of confrontational
He says a lot of inflammatory things in this article that are left unexplained, without elaboration.

Possible replacement line:

Let's Call It Love
One of the best fucking rock and roll songs of the decade, bristling with every good element of classic rock cock-swaggering but with none of the bullshit. One of the best songs the band ever did, as well.

He was kinda funny because of the sheer strength of the impression, but as an actual comedian he's not that hot.

Okay, how do you fix this shit?
You're running the show. How do you fix it?

Johnny Cash definitely doesn't count, because he always recorded secular and Christian music right next to each other. He never had a Christian or secular "phase." Even on American IV, hell, you've got Hurt, but it's right next to Man Comes Around, which is literally about the rapture.

Also the Australian cover to this book is a billion times better.

Hell, I just finished this.
I was really emotionally swayed by the ending to this book. It reminds me of a lot of his songs - the inevitable march to the grave, clouded by mounting madness and religious desperation.

I was surprised to find this in actual stores the day it came out.
I'm about 2/3 through it and admire the way he turns depraved humor and borderline-pornographic seduction sequences against the reader and seems to ultimately be using them to force your guard down when the book gets all heavy and existential. It's