The Squirrel

Damn liberal media twisting the facts by giving actual recorded answers!
I'm tuning Back to FOX News.

Which of course, has caused me to have severe, unrelenting sorrow for the human condition….

I'm glad the exploding North Korean artillery round behind him in no way stopped the filming of his music video!

I'm glad the exploding North Korean artillery round behind him in no way stopped the filming of his music video!

Why yes son, I DO remember exactly when our  acting careers died……I have a picture here somewhere….

Why yes son, I DO remember exactly when our  acting careers died……I have a picture here somewhere….



I thought THAT sketch was the best one of the night!

I thought THAT sketch was the best one of the night!

Best show on the air!

Best show on the air!

I thought Mr. Greenblatt was supposed to cut back on his meds when buying shows?

Morning Wood.

Did someone say nuts??????????

I foresee a gang-bang porn future for her-

Like a virgin…with all the drippings 

Grab my nuts, and be home by eight.

Cows are into golden showers????

Booty snatchers fool!……booty snatchers!!!!