The Squirrel

I knew that was cumming.

Usefull Message
He shows his fists to his cell-mate whenever he ends up in jail…..word to your mother.

You had me at "doodle"

Ghost Hunters International is standing in the wings awaiting the first fatality…

Sgt. Hatred would love to love you….baby!

Doctor, not a playwright
It's dead Jim…

….*BAM* You be capped sucka!

Don't we all!!!!!!

The surviving cast members (those still able to move), groaned their approval.

The End
I refuse to envision George Kennedy having sex….I refuse…..I…*bang* .

Well….what DO you mean, girls?

I care about nuts.

Would you…..
….like some nuts with that boner?

The cat next door ate my nuts————-

She Nuts
Julie, Julie, JULIE…. what hath thou wrought?
….and they call ME nuts.

We Really Do!

I just went outside to check…and I can state as a matter of fact…that my nuts are cold.

The smell of money
He's starting his own line of collectibles called-

Roseanne stole my nuts!

Young Nuts
Spider Man: Bring on the Twilight 90210