Stoned User

I had this friend (seriously, not me) who was able to do it.  It's, apparently, more like having a dick in your mouth than getting your dick sucked.  I wouldn't know, though, since it wasn't me who did it.


The first time I tried to smoke weed I was fourteen or so, and my friends and I had NO idea what to do.  We did everything wrong.  First of all, we got the "weed" from my friend's older brother who warned us it was probably not enough to get us high, but we figured it would work on us because we had no tolerance.

Same.  cept i was just high

Preach!  I, myself, am allergic to peanuts.

@avclub-efb3d8be0319721ef751da0b05d9f6a5:disqus Ha!  I don't even listen to music!

Go ahead, @avclub-51f4fd7b5ffd1b8e79c6f4e77522e096:disqus , go right on ahead.

Right on, @avclub-b9fea411fac5ec5d45ed6c31609be241:disqus , right on.

"I hated it!  Too ugly!  Not as good as Katherine Hepburn!"
-Rex Reed

We'll always have Criterion lists…

How is Pavement prog? I've always considered them pop, even Slanted and Enchanted—it's just hidden under fuzz.

Every time.

I am the one who's spread!

Wouldn't it be funny if @avclub-92eacf53f4fac3152a85463988ab1490:disqus misunderstood, like, ten references right now?

I got a cocaine boogers notification for this?

It's not easy being white!

The AV Club
…This entire thread IS sarcastic, right?

Leave your stupid blockbusters in your pocket!

It's got a funky beat, and I can bug out to it!

"This is what you do when I forbid you?!"