Stoned User

Holy shit.

Hmmmm, perhaps.

It's a big thread, I didn't think anyone would give a shit.  Sorry you had to read a sentence three times.  You sound cranky, maybe you've had enough internet for one day.

Lighten up.  I didn't think I would have to specify "their meth," asshole.

I'm going to repost a comment from an earlier thread that applies here as well:
"And the fade-out was really interesting too. First Walt goes, then Jesse, then the RV.  So I'm thinking that it means they're going to die, but the meth will outlive them both."

And the fade-out was really interesting too.
First Walt goes, then Jesse, then the RV.  So I'm thinking that it means they're going to die, but the meth will outlive them both.

I was actually thinking he's kind of a weak link.  But when he saved Skylar, I got goosebumps.

About the fade-out:
Walt goes first.  Then Jesse.  Then the RV.
Walt and Jesse are going to die, but the meth is going to outlive both of them.

Fuck you, Walt.

Hey, man, don't knock Osmosis Jones.

Why on earth would they ever be compared?

Is that really saying much?

They were also in Inglourious Basterds together.

It's not even an original concept.  The Big Bang Theory beat them to it by like a decade.

@avclub-66bc488f92ab3ae5b3293136d48572e4:disqus , Mike's death was not shitty.  "Just shut the fuck up and let me die in peace."  A very Mike Ehrmantraut way to go out.  RIP.
I should clarify:  I did not mean shitty as in, realistically for the character it would blow, but as in the show, I think, could do better

Yeah, I doubt he's gone.  I have no idea what the fuck is gonna happen next, but that'd be kind of a crappy way for Hank to die.

Where is ZMF?!?!?!

As much as I, and probably a decent portion of AV Clubers, hate advertisements, just lighten the fuck up.  No one likes a militant asshole, even if they agree with said asshole's politics.

Yeah, this was seriously a very good trailer.  It was refreshing to hear no BWAAAAMPS, and to not have every cut be punctuated by a millisecond of blackness.

Hey, don't knock masturbation—it's sex with someone I love!