Stoned User

Anyway, how's your sex life?

High? On his own drama?

The AV Club
The Internet

Yeaaaah, son

This is Sandler's Trash Humpers.

Except it was terrible.

Back in the day, Gene Siskel really rocked a sexy mustache.

The AV Club
Finally!  A [blank] I can insert into my anus!

For British Eyes Only!

I liked the song Cornell did for Casino Royale.

I'm tired, I'm wasted, I love you, darling haha!

They were stealing our precious fluids!


No way!  I just finished watching it.  I need help reacting to something.

Yeah, she can be very funny.  The interview scene with her and Emma Watson was hilarious.  But This is 40 and Funny People featured her too prominently to be enjoyable.

Friends with Kids was the worst movie I saw in 2012, pretty much hands down.  God, all the characters were assholes—but the director didn't seem to do it intentionally.  And the dialogue was horrendous: "I want to literally fuck the shit out of you!" is not at all romantic, or worse, funny.
This is 40 was pretty good.

Ok, 50 Cent is not believable as a hacker with glasses, but he really would be less believable without them.

It's Smurth, you racist.

There's something happening here, and what it is, ain't exactly… obvious.

Gotta keep up appearances.