
for some reason i saw IED and thought IUD. but that would be a disaster to have one of those go off in your face. lost a lotta good men that way…lotta good men.

i can totally picture him up there in estes park, locked in his room…

and let's not forget just how gawdawful fuggly she was. sheesh.

odd how king's writing was far better when he was all fucked up.i mean, that bit where groundskeeper Willie gets whacked was WHACKED. i could never have thought of that.

marfan rocked cox. cox rocked back.dag.

that happened because they crossed Gregg Allman's character after the bearded cop banged Jennifer Jason Leigh while he was strung out and then burned his arm with the iron to hide the track marks before they went to trial so that no one would know he was using because he had to shoot up in front of that big 'ol black

these juggalo festivals sound just like an h. bosch painting come to life.except with more ejaculating on command and nipple removal and eating of shit for what would have amounted to a princely sum back in h. bosch's day. in other word's; a true garden of earthly delights.

Green Man would fuck him up proper. volleyball to the FACE, beeyotch.

great club. especially the old one. i saw the Make-Up there, and Svenonius absolutely killed it. damn i love that furry little hobbit cro-mag, and the way he dances the monkey with the microphone shoved in his mouth. that would be a damn good halftime show as well, come to think of it.

it would be nice to finally have a reason to watch the superbowl.

thetans; Slain. or something to that effect. Maybonne got into the scientology gig for a while until she realized they weren't going to do any cool experiments with elephant toothpaste or mentos in diet coke.

i wish he was in Juarez. missing and presumed chopped up into funky little bits.

stale oreo cookie. and no milk.

here's some words that rhyme with Corey; alfalfa, ruse, camembert, monsanto.

Hmm…chili would be good tonight.

enjoy their savory homemade flavor, and the resulting Diarrhea.

i have named my firstborn Pirate Prentice, just to counter-balance this feeling. he is learning to make breakfast before he will be allowed to speak.

i wish he were writing this season's Homeland.

my favorite Simpson's halloween choice. the time machine toaster is a real stand-out, as i'm a big fan of Bradbury's 'The Sound Of Thunder'…and because that episode kicked a great deal of ass.

turns out Moz is illiterate, and he wanted to tell the world by writing an autobiography. this cruel turn of events has gotten him dreadfully, dreadfully down.