
hell yeah. coupla brothas outta Saigon got all pho'd up at a soup joint in Carlsbad yesday.

Apparently everyone forgot that his last words were published back in '99; "I shouldna eaten Mr. T's cheetos. But I…I did."

you just got fucked in the axe!

was that the big thing back in '93?

there are self-shaming farts too. they make you squish when you walk.

ah yes; i too have been waiting for a tropical adventure based on the Monkeys I'd Like to Fuck.

shit…i thought this said they were moving in with their axes.

magnificent tits.i hope sebastian didn't give you AIDS.

cruisin warp six with mr. wiggles in the mix. hendrix passin peace star child gave the fix.

unga bunga.

I saw him at the Boulder Theater in about 2002 or '03. I was worried he was just going to do a 'greatest hits' set, but he didn't. He tore shit up. Then he left, the house lights went up, and we all went outside. Suddenly, you could here a guitar tuning up inside, and we all rushed in. My wife and I happened to be at

i recommend the Kahn Academy one. his annotations on spliff construction are nonpareil.

skag and jellies, mate.

she has buckteeth. she lives in luxembourg. and if i find out who's been writing her all that frightening verse i swear to god i'll stuff a smoked pork belly down his gullet.

Groin Bubo is my sisters' name.

that bill is all backwards and upside down.

adding "and" before "lies i tell my daughter"…pure genius. you've done it again zooey!

shutta the face, you.

they were afraid that his presence might start a rumble between the Jets and the Green Alley Razors. cleveland is a rough and tumble kind of place. you look at someone sideways and BAM; Steamer to the FACE.

falling down.