
it's referred to as 'wand-work' amongst the pubescent prestidigitatator crowd.

i have to agree. they have the same sort of appeal that the diapered dancing guy's show had on It's Always Sunny In Philly. hypnotic and sublime.

she is so lovely in so many ways.

I'll Be You was the first tune i ever heard by these guys, and i rushed out to buy Don't Tell A Soul…followed by everything else they did. i drank a lot of hooch over the years as Mr. Westerberg narrated. i punched some asshole out cold once for calling him a "talentless drunk". once he started coming to i was

small man on a surfboard, doing a wicked cutback across your choad. your day has been freed up now. you are welcome.

"The 56-year-old Laimbeer talks about hoops as if he invented it…"
Classic Laimbo!

i hope they bring Bill Laimbeer back out of retirement for this. or back out of whatever he's in at the moment. maybe he should follow team-mate rod-man's lead and befriend a tubby little psychopath that the world hates…

as in an all slavic san antonio spurs? that would be sjajno!

"Electric Diddley"?

please, Moz patronizes a salon de coiffure, not some BARBER. those men always smell like old bacon.

and then kim gordon number Z had to burp…and all the turtles toppled. it's a reference to fascism or something rather.

this all reminds me of a japanese cowboy. or maybe a brother on skates.

we'd love to see you too. The Bluebird is an epic little spot. and Mr. Cessna is a true gentleman. a Denver Gentleman, to be exact.

i went to see them with caustic resin back in about '98. there was a homeless guy outside the bluebird in denver, to whom i almost gave some change to until i realized it was Doug Martsch. he then proceeded to go inside, get onstage, and tore shit up something fierce. the man plays guitar and sings and writes songs so

tickle-me-emo is far more enjoyable.

does Rainer Maria fall into this category, or do they not scream enough? seriously; I Don't Know. but i do know that they sound better than any of the above selections. although once again, the name is rather off-putting…

hell, baby; I got better things to do.

Neko is all lady. and then some. i adore her regardless of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species.

send me guidance, St. Kenny. bring me Light.

you mean that brand of sweets one is meant to eat in the toilet? the french LOVE that stuff; "Les bonbons commode" they call it.