
with a calm cool wit like that you could be a straight up Viking Hitler.

Lemmy likes his ladies just the way he likes his scotch; 14 years old.

so he puts his dick in that guy? yucky.

damn scotts. they ruined Scotland.

if we have to care about these charlatans then we would have to actually care about Charlatans UK.

Nation of Ulysses gets no love? get over here Svenonius; i'll give you a hug.

they just stole that photo from a paula deen cotillion and possum fry invite way back in '02.

i absolutely love this idea.

i'm still going with silent bob. because he's got such mad skills.

i had a drink with her crabs the other night. funny bunch of guys, but damned if they would sit still long enough for me to even tell how many of them there were.

unless you can tell the difference between NiŠki vs BaNjAluĆki Čevap.., because then you have to ask yourself; Is it Srpska,
or Republika Srpska? but then you just solve the problem with two packs of cigarettes and a gajba of jelen. do jaja.

the fact that he's offering shots of jaeger and not something from his neighbor's orchard back in banja luka packaged in a re-used 1 liter coke bottle replete with a hint of methanol tells me the guy is NOT EVEN BALKAN. i mean, c'mon. koj su ovo indijanci?

this is totally unbelievable. serbian war criminals smoke far too many cigarettes to be gallivanting about in the appalachian wilds. and jaeger? Nigger; Please. if it doesn't come from the neighbor's orchard, with a hint of methanol and sealed in a reused 1 liter coke bottle then it is not liquor worthy of ANY Balkan

cool kids are hitting the pure hydrogen then lighting a cigarette. it's called doing a HINDENBURG, and it is about to get right up in beebo's shit i do believe.

Wild Kidz are just like the Honey Badger and they will announce it as such in the strangest of ways…but i get it. i get it, you fucked-up little freaks; so keep that shit pouring hot and heavy in the hallway in a mop bucket, 'cause that shit just screams LEGACY!

dear god i do love Brian Wilson but if he had as many pills coming outta him as he's had going in him it would be tic-tac serotonin sunshine for anyone swimming in THAT fountain. Dag, Mr. Wilson; if i ever have a stroke i hope it is to your music.

Canadians call him Jay Zed. sometimes they also call him Black Baby Poutine, which he does not like as he is unsure what poutine is and it sounds confusingly feminine to him, like a potato tampon.

Douche Bros! can I getta RAWK?!

dope as fuk.

it was Leaders Of the New School what gave me that bad bad case of the PTA's. oh man oh man oh man oh man.