
Thank you for pointing out the fact that Tim Gunn is essentially just reprising his role from Sophia the First, in which he is terrific, and should totally be seen by larger audiences. So A+ for Tim Gunn as steward! Huzzah!

All creative work is copyrighted (sort of) as of the time of fixation of the work, but there is still the question of whether the photograph is sufficiently creative to warrant protection under the Copyright Act of 1976, or any modifications thereto. Not everything is worthy of a copyright. You can't hold a copyright

You're wrong wrong wrong. Are you arguing based on logic, or the legal ramifications of signing a contract? As far as this goes, it's really all woulda coulda shoulda because he signed the agreement. Tough titties. And Copyright law is tricky.

It's because he was the fat one. Just like me!

Peenative damages?

I thought that the whole point of Secret Wars was to kill off all but one version of the heroes.

Actually, that's a pretty fair deal, all things considered. First of all, since this agreement only pertains to concert photography, the photogs aren't composing shots in the same way that Annie Liebovitz does for Vanity Fair, so the pics are less of an artistic statement and more of a direct, non-creative

As a white person, is it okay that I will miss Peter Parker simply because I have 25 years of investment in his character? Or do I have to say that I'm thrilled that they are replacing him with someone else on principle?

Well, you got it!

Wow, popped back in after a couple of months disdaining the site only to find this in my inbox. Guess I was right about all of you useless assholes! Enjoy wallowing in the shit with the other pigs! And don't worry, I never let the door hit me &c. Fuck you!

You were one comment too early in the thread. The shit-canning isn't supposed to start until the third or fourth. You were supposed to be all like, "This ROCKS!!!!" You have failed and should kill yourself. In a fire.

No. While Jack and Jill was Sandler's shittiest movie in a career full of garbage, Pacino was great in it. Come on! Dunkaccino? Gold! The man breakdances, for god's sake!

DeNiro, without a doubt. At least when Pacino stoops, he stoops with gusto. No one in the world should ever have to see "Jack and Jill," but if by some chance you are tricked into seeing it, or you are in the hospital and it is the only thing on the TV, you will see that Pacino is actually awesome in it because he is

You are the worst. Please stop. I stopped reading the A.V. Club a few months ago because of your shitty firsties, and now I have returned to find that you aren't going anywhere. I guess this is the last time I will come to this site; all I can say is that you should stop commenting on stories unless you enjoy being

Because there's nothing worse than a sunburned wang.

While this may have been shooting fish in a barrel, Jericho's outsized hatred made it worth it. Damn, he hates this song. Good for him.

"The Magician?!"

Yup… straight-up fan service, and I loved every minute of it.

But I have a huge wang. It's true. You never know who's going to get one.

Never forget that, while selling out, Eddie could still do a great job when the material was worthy. Bowfinger is an amazing movie, and he was great in it.