Fattypants McGee

That "Alphabetically Last" category was pretty tough for a first round category. Except for the DD, which was one of the easiest questions in category. That FJ was pretty freaking easy too.

apparently the mansion was foreclosed on and sold for less than he paid for it, according to the wikipedia article on Madam LaLurie I just read that made me want to puke from the description of what she did to her slaves.

he thinks he's on the Price is Right?

I was really bummed that Owsley was killed off. Between him, Ben, and Wesley, some of the most interesting secondary characters are gone. Plus he brought the dark humor.

Knowing how big a role he played in the comics (I haven't read them, but I've been reading up on the characters in the marvel wiki), I'm kind of hoping his death is a fake out. I hate that trope, but I really liked the character and don't want him to be dead.

I'm tearing up too! I love this book! I think this is an interesting spin on it, and the animation of the Little Prince looks beautiful!

dammit, I came here to make that reference! :-)

I thought the SA question was incredibly easy, but I've been there so I knew all that. It all depends on your experience

me too, alas. he's a silver fox!

I think it speaks to the quality of the writing and the actors that we cared that much about a villain's death. I was sad to see him go — he brought a fun smarminess to his scenes.

I was raised a Catholic and we had them at our church growing up, but there was a choice between doing your confession in the box versus face to face. But I haven't been a practicing Catholic in 15 years, so I don't know if they are still used

No, it is just you. He wasn't saying that those are DC movies, just using the examples of directors that made relatively small, non-action movies and then successfully helmed big budget franchise action movies.

i'm not sure who is going to be able to beat Alex, but it sure isn't someone that only bets $5 on a DD

whoever plays him? I thought we already determined it is Evil John Teti?!

yeah, but those are entire series and this is one part of one hour long episode. If the whole series was about Fisk and his crappy father, then I think you'd have a point

yeah, the staff at work talks about the Following, but no one about Mad Men

What is happening in that photo? It looks like they lined up to use the sex box, like people waiting for a single toilet bathroom at a restaurant

I think she just read a paragraph synopsis and hasn't actually watched any of it

this is what I loved about the movie, and it really spoke to me as someone going through a rather prolonged period of feeling emotionally isolated, despite having friendly people at work. Both Her and Llewellyn Davis (which I saw relatively close together) I thought very accurately portrayed what it is like to feel

it has been interesting to see how other players have changed their game strategy to match his to some extent. Even Becky, who has come closest to beating him, mentioned here the other day that she didn't plan to bounce/search for DD until Alex started it.