Fattypants McGee

You're right! I've been sitting here wondering where I've seen him before, but I have really just been confusing him in my mind with John Teti

yeah, I had to look up what a volunteer guardian ad litem is after hearing Alex say it three days straight. I found it hard to hate her after that (I still found her so boring, though)

I said the same thing! That's what we always called it.

same here

especially since she hadn't done well on other clues in the category. it was obvious she wasn't good with spanish or NBA teams, so that overconfident wager was not a great idea. it is a shame, because she's obviously smart and could have been a dominant player for a few games

I just watched that, and it was pretty amusing (that man has charisma to spare), even if I just voluntarily listened to that annoying song again and will have it stuck in my head for a day.

initially I was indifferent to Kerry because she was so bland she left no impression, But my indifference has curdled into rage. Be less boring! I was rooting for a guy that seemed surprised he had to choose another category every time he had to pick one! That's how much I dislike her!

that drove me crazy when I lived in Indiana. I don't need it explained over and over for an hour

I met a young woman named Mallory today. I was trying to think of the last Mallory I've even met in real life, but all I could come up with is Mallory from BSC and Mallory Keaton.

They don't have to be terminal. My nephew got to Make-a Wish when he had cancer (he and his family got to go to spring training for the Red Sox and meet some of the players, etc), and he's been in remission for about a decade.

I feel like the same thing happened to Clinton. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would want to be president

I guessed the Empire State Building (I kind of missed the "transport" part of the clue), but felt dumb because isn't the Chrysler Building one of the most famous art deco landmarks? Also, Chrysler is a really weird word to type out

and she has such a flat personality to boot. I don't need my jeopardy champions to be super crazy fun people, but she managed to make the phrase "la dolce vita" sound like a punishment. I'm tired of watching her

I loved those commercials! I'd actually turn on ESPN just to try to catch new ones (it was almost like collecting them, in my mind I guess)

what you really wanted was some cherry pie?

I'm always amazed at how dated pictures from the 80s and 90s (when I grew up) look now, because it doesn't feel like that long ago for me. But it actually is :::sob:::

Don's expression at the end of the interaction with Rachel's sister —damn, give this man an emmy already!

that expression was perfect!

yeah, I really don't understand this gripe against defense attorneys. Their job is to defend people. Without them, people would just go to jail without a trial — is that the kind of place people want to live?

I agree there has to be more to Sally's reasons. They've set up that her husband was a hothead and clearly beat the utter crap out of one of his kids (to the point that he has lingering issues 30 years later). Was she being abused as well?