Fattypants McGee

I binged it, and think I missed a lot of the details because of that. I probably wouldn't have stuck to the show on a typical network broadcast schedule, to be honest, but probably a slower pace would have been better

i always feel stupid when I can't get it and he announces that it is easy. Of course, I'd feel even worse if I was an actual contestant on an episode where he said that, and then I got it wrong!

this thought crossed my mind last night as she called him

that was…weird

not when you overthink it like I did! I tried to come up with something starting with "ante" and the closest I got was "antepodean" which I knew was wrong because it had too many letters

this was so disappointing. I really liked Michael as a champion. I was actually stressed for him, getting up and down out of my chair like I do when watching a suspenseful TV or movie (at home, I don't do it in the theater. I'm a dork but not a complete social reject).

I knew that cases of lung cancer had jumped, but the difference between pre- and post-WWI cigarette marketing is astonishing. To the point that today we are surprised when a non-smoker gets lung cancer! Those are the people of that 1% I suppose

anyone else watching "Cancer: the Emperor of All Maladies"? I missed the first episode, but watched it last night and found it really interesting. I love the message that it took the basic science research (that many laypeople and lawmakers don't understand and deride as wasteful) was key to getting us to the point

he has Josh Groban's hair. I will also say that my friend and Jeopardy watching text buddy was gushing about his great hair. I think she's got a bit of a crush now.

I always thought it was funny that not only could you not buy the alcohol on Sunday in Indiana, they literally barricaded the aisles in the grocery store so you can even walk down them, but you can fill your growler at the local microbrewery

I agree with you on that. His relationships were a lot shorter than the relationship (both sexual and platonic) between Roger and Joan, which is going to affect that sense of camaraderie.

they had Eric Degans (sp?) talking about this on NPR on my drive home, and he mentioned the Jewish girls not performing fellatio as an "old comedy trope", but I've never heard this stereotype before either

The closest he has come would be Rachael Menken. And maybe the psychologist he left for Megan. They at least were the only two women that he slept with that he seemed to respect

Michael is a fun contestant to watch — not afraid to bet big and he has the knowledge to back it up (although he's one of those contestants that always surprise me by knowing the name of some river in Norway, but not what I think is a pretty easy Madonna clue). I was a little afraid he'd blow it in FJ by making too

Michael is a gutsy and smart contestant. Cynthia was no slouch in the ballsy bets either. It is a great game when third place has $10K going into FJ

Yeah, I thought that was the part of the clue that really indicated that it was an older author, but also probably not an Asian author.

yeah, I cringed at that

I watched Life Itself last night. I really enjoyed it. It celebrated the guy without being a hagiography, and I honestly thought it was brave for Ebert to allow him to film the reality of his condition. I thought the parts about his relationship with Siskel were the best, because I really didn't know much about

it is funny that you reviewed this now because I was thinking about this movie earlier in the week. My brother LOVED this movie when we were kids, and watched it enough to memorize every line. To this day, he will quote it and that never fails to make me laugh. Anyway, we got 3 baby turtles brought to the shelter

I have to say, this is making me appreciate my own job