Fattypants McGee

I think Tennant and Tate are definitely a good example of this. I would also say Abby Mills and Ichabod Crane on Sleepy Hollow. It seems like it is so hard for TV writers not to hook up their opposite sex leads if they have a lot of chemistry. I'm glad Broadchurch hasn't gone that route

I'm amazed at the people in my facebook feed that are otherwise pretty reasonable that are calling for him to be reinstated in the show. My own brother, who works with emotionally disturbed children that often lash out in dangerous and violent ways, changed his FB avatar to a "Bring Back Clarkson" image. The

While I watched the show, I initially thought "why is Elizabeth walking in there and not just killing her?" Then I was surprised at how much Elizabeth revealed and that she touched objects without gloves on. As soon as she said Russia, my heart sank too because I knew it was over for her. Reading this thread, it is

so as dramatic and intense as the whole interaction between Elizabeth and the old lady were, I did think to myself at one point "if E had forget-me-nows, she wouldn't have to kill this lady." Arrested Development has warped my brain

I found that scene really interesting and was surprised the reviewer kind of glossed over it. I can't be sure of Martha's intent in that scene — is she saying that she's chosen Clark's side, whatever it is, because of love, setting him up, or running her own personal test (I put this info in his head, does a bug end

they were the goofiest contestants I've ever seen on Jeopardy. Funny how on any other game show, it would be totally normal (they would probably seem subdued), but the vibe on Jeopardy is totally different. Tim was embarrassing in that goofy grandpa way, and Gautam is that prof that thinks he's really funny when he

I couldn't tell if she had shaved it very close, or had it pulled back tightly plus lighting made it look that way. Either way, I think she still looked great — the lady can rock that look!

that was the best line in the whole piece!

me too. i also don't watch PR, but read Teti's reviews. I'll read anything he writes here. He's so freaking funny and a good & insightful writer

I missed the category name, knew I needed to come up with some unique public transport, and then focused on the fact that Kipling is British and tried to come up with a european city. That's why category names are important! My jeopardy pal texted me her guess of SF pretty quickly anyway. Obvious once it was said!

not a ringing endorsement :-) I stand by the decision to rewatch 30 Rock on netflix instead

out of curiosity, @avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus, are you watching DWTS this season? I couldn't work up any excitement for the "celebs" this year and haven't bothered

I heard that story on NPR last week! Horrifying! The congressman that likened it to abortion is the biggest piece of shit. All in front of the kids. I wish I still had HBO Go access — I miss John Oliver

I've never understood it. Makes zero economic sense

if he didn't have tampons hanging out of his nose, with the strings moving because he turned his head, those scotch "commercials" would not have been funny at all

yes, there are some quite lovely wines from the Finger Lakes region (especially white wines, not so much the reds). IMHO, the NYS Riesling is better than German Riesling. Too bad they can export the wine out of state

I noticed this too. The they drink so much in this show that it was kind of distracting to me

I use that "try to try" line all the time. Unfortunately most people don't get it :-(

I watched all of Bloodline yesterday. then I felt like a gross sloth. I did like it, although I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed it as much if I had to wait a week between episodes. Most definitely a slow burn type of show, and the acting and cinematography are great.

that is definitely true. it is not an autobiography at all in the strict sense. But it made me very interested in the facts of her life, so I kept googling different parts of her life and different people as they came up in the book. It made me want to read a real autobiography of her, and I'm not usually into