Fattypants McGee

House of Leaves was one of the creepiest novels I've ever read (I mean that in a good way)

I read Blonde earlier this year, and absolutely loved it. It is a long book, but completely engrossing from start to finish. I know it is a fictionalized account, but I have a new respect for Marilyn Monroe after reading it

So sorry for your loss

I've been wanting to back to the Keys (we went as a family when I was 14) and this show has kicked that desire into high gear. From what I remember, it is pretty accurate. There is one key that is a state park, and it is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been

she has an incredibly interesting face, which is especially unique in an industry with a narrow definition of what is acceptable in the appearance of leading actresses.

his chemistry with Britton was incredible. He and Jacinda Barrett are fine in this series as a couple, but I can't imagine ever seeing Chandler as a married character without comparing it negatively to FNL

yeah, I have the same problem about remembering individual episode details to comment on each day. And not commenting on some of the criticisms, knowing they'll be addressed. One problem with binge watching (along with the feeling that I am gross and lazy for watching that much TV in one go)

I thought he did a fine job. I tend to give actors a lot of leeway with accents, because I can't imagine pulling off a convincing accent over the course of a TV show while also doing a good job acting. If I can't tell where the person is actually from, I think they do a good enough job. I thought Kyle Chandler's

I love her and she does such a great job with this role. It is hard for me to watch her being treated like crap this season!

I rewatched that last week. Such a great show, and Ritter is so great in it. I hope Jessica Jones is a hit for her sake alone

they moved it to 9:30 am here, so I didn't get to see last night's, nor will i see tonight's :-(

her involvement in this made me click on the link. She is really talented and I think she'll do a great job

he always says India like that. I realized it when I read it along with him in my "trebek" voice and it came out exactly the same

yeah, it was moved to 930 in the morning for today and tomorrow here. Totally sucks (I don't have a DVR)

it really is! I was so excited to see that category because I'm a veterinarian and didn't think I'd ever see a vet category on Jeopardy. Of course the contestants avoided it like the plague and no one seems to clear the damn board anymore. Grr

plus there is a difference between an Afrikaans accent, and the British-descended SA accent (e.g., Cape Town, which sounds kind of Australianish). I'm used to the Afrikaans because I had a prof in vet school with that accent, but it is different and tough to place

crankity crank crank, and I crank crank

IM Pei designed the student center where I went to college, which is a fact I repeated many times as a tour guide there. I knew the question was asking for him, but I could not come up with his name and I was kicking myself for it.

I agree. I thought it was a pretty easy question for a DD, and considering some of the esoteric stuff Colin knew, I was surprised he couldn't get familiar

I had a metal Micky Mouse Club one from the original show when I was a kid (it had been one of my older sib's). It was super not cool for an 80s kid to have that lunchbox and I was always embarrassed by it. It may have become a collectable if my mom wasn't so thrifty