Fattypants McGee

I may have had that one too

For some reason, I got stuck on Sesame Street at first and was thinking the muppet named Rosita (I was trying to think of a muppet with a latino name). But then I kept thinking about it trying to get un-stuck on muppets and was able to come up with the answer

when you put it that way, it makes more sense

I would never have looked at that gif all that closely if you hadn't pointed all these out. hilarious!

I can't even read that word anymore without hearing Chris Traeger saying it

I thought the Marcia and Chris joke to be disappointing. Seems kind of an outdated joke to make. I'm pretty sure the reviewer here didn't even get it, since she didn't mention it, but I'm assuming that she's probably kind of young to get it. I really love Tina Fey, so I was kind of disappointed with her character

I'm picturing Timothy Spall, but I don't know if he can sing

It is funny how many of us lurked for a couple years before finally posting. Edward Norton's performance in Birdman was incredible; definitely earned that oscar nom, although I have no quibble with JK Simmons winning

Jesus, is it a requirement to be a psychopath to teach kids music?

I watched it last night. It was kind of difficult for me to watch because of the extreme tension of knowing that Fletcher is going to lose his shit on someone at any time, and I have trouble watching that sort of verbal abuse (he reminded me strongly of the asshole band teacher at my elementary school). But man, it

plus Broadway actors (that aren't also Hollywood celebs a la NPH) are less likely to get the high end fashion lent to them for the occasion, so it seems really shitty to berate them for not looking good enough.

I was thinking about that scenario during the pre-FJ break and figured she'd have to have at least $1 to move on to the next game. Damn, that was uncomfortable. Even Kristin looked a bit uncomfortable with the situation, and she was guaranteed a win as long as she didn't get too greedy

it got difficult to watch, like a cringe comedy is for me, as they dug themselves deeper and deeper into the hole. I've never seen an episode where 2 players failed to qualify for FJ, but I knew @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus would know when it had last happened

mine is the facial gymnastics Kemper goes through while blocking out Jacqueline's enthusiastic description of her husband's foot fetish (and JK's physical comedy in the same scene)

and that she continues to give it a puzzled look and text with it after the waitress has left

after dominating the Oscar movie category, and her smile during the FJ pan because she had already finished writing her answer, I knew Kristin could be one of us

I found that clue difficult to parse. Sometimes I think they are awkwardly written and have trouble figuring out what they are actually asking before I get a chance to think of an answer

awesome! we'll be watching! good luck

the bats! i love the cut to Tituss and Lillian sitting on the couch watching the footage covered in band aids

discussing this with a coworker today, we decided the difficulty in the question is just accepting that it is the obvious answer, and not overthink it, which many contestants (including those of us at home) do. Because I thought it was pretty easy, but started to doubt myself as the music played on