Fattypants McGee

this is the first time I've ever upvoted one of these "spike lee tweets" posts — well done, sir

I just fell on it, Doc, honest! Luckily it was coated in lube!

this is pretty much what I came here to say!

I'll look for it. Thanks!

this I would have liked to see! there was an ad for it, but apparently we didn't get to see it because of the local "Talking Abbey" snoozefest

when Molesley was down on his luck, and Carson offered him the footman job, he got indignant about being offered a lower position. Carson was trying to do the nice thing, and was pissed that Molesley reacted the way he did. I think that's where the enmity started.

The scenery and costumes are as lush as ever. Lady Edith is as sad as ever. And Molesley has apparently put shoe polish in his hair. Ahh, Downton Abbey

oh Princess fair, whilst thou grant me thine dainty hoof in marriage?

RIP to a wonderful actor. This makes me truly sad. I just finished my Gilmore Girls rewatch and Richard was my favorite character, all down to the excellent performance by Edward Herrmann.

That's what I liked about Chicago! I find the burst into singing like it happens all the time in real life thing in movie musicals kind of annoying.

We played so much YDKJ in college, but had no idea they still made games and that there were so many. Good times

I just saw it, and "camp" is not the adjective that came to mind. I sort of understand what the author is trying to express, but quibble with that word choice

I'm fairly certain it was!

I really enjoy IV's reviews, especially for his deep knowledge of film history. He always includes something about the history or craft of film that deepens my appreciation for whatever film he is writing about.

I heard a long form piece about Rustin on NPR earlier this year and found him fascinating. I think he would make a compelling subject of a biopic

I just started a new job and am trying to keep my caustic side under wraps for now, as well. And my incredibly filthy mouth. A few "sh#ts" have slipped through, but I think I'm doing pretty well with the old f-bomb. of course, i say it so much I don't really notice when it comes out

seriously, this is clearly the must-see movie of the year based on that grade from this reviewer

my high school french teacher gave us all nicknames based on the food that we reminded her of. Thus was born my nickname of ananas

Yes I'm a veterinarian and I work at a humane society. I'm sure some silly nickname will come to you soon. I always manage to come up with a few for every cat, and they evolve over the years too. I'm weird

I watched Rush last night and really enjoyed it. Was surprised it was a Ron Howard movie (I don't know why, just doesn't seem like his sort of usual material). Well shot, good acting, especially Daniel Bruhl (it was really his movie, even if Hemsworth's gorgeous face is on the cover). Today I finally saw Interstella