Fattypants McGee

Whenever I move to a new community, I immediately get a new library card. I can't afford all the books, movies, and music that I can borrow for free from there. And I know that many people in the last place I lived only had computer access thanks to the excellent library system there. I think it is incredibly sad

aww, thanks for adopting two older kitties! It makes me happy when people do that (I work in that field, so I take it personally haha)

my cat managed to knock my laptop off a counter (TBF, it was not the best place for me to put the thing), and I'm typing with half a screen. I've been less active here since it happened because I hate commenting here through my phone…it is so wonky. someday I might actually get the damn thing fixed :::sigh::

when I did that with CDs, I found someone via freecycle who wanted all the empty jewel boxes, which was a guilt-free way to dispose of them for me. You might find someone who wants them on craigslist or freecycle

that really is amazing that he hasn't won an oscar yet. such an incredible actor

I loved Minister Mason. She so banally evil…a bureaucratic cog in an evil dictatorship who just wants to save her own skin. Tilda Swinton was so perfectly smarmy in the role. She's a treasure

also, it was the role will arnett's voice was born to play! perfect casting

when i saw the movie for the second time, I really paid attention to Rocket and how much the character contributes to the film, both the comedy and the pathos. Really is an excellent character

Damn you for linking to a Jared lover tumblr!

I thought we had collectively blocked that murder from our memories?

You reminded me that I need to finish Olive Kitteridge! Have to get my laptop fixed first …damn cats

It's almost like animals are independent beings not just here to do our bidding

Yes I can't understand what they didn't understand about what would happen here

I haven't seen those!

Quentin as a massive prick is definitely intentional. It is very off-putting in the first book, but what the author is trying to do with the character across the 3 books makes the prickishness more understandable when all taken together. I think Quetin in the first book is a pretty accurate portrayal of an upper

yeah, I'm so sick of this war on Christmas crap. My sister and her boyfriend are visiting me in my small midwestern city. We passed a building with "Season's Greetings" on the side in Christmas lights, then the giant "Jesus Loves You" billboard. My sister's bf remarked "how come they can't write Merry Christmas,

it is funny how I know if a certain person is the topic of a newswire, O'Neal will be the author (Kirk Cameron, Justin Bieber, usually Shia and James Franco). So I always click on them, because they are always hilarious

I guess I'm just being thick, but what exactly are they doing here? Remaking the documentary with actors in the roles, or recreating the story? the docu was so well done, effective, and such a moving account, how could this project add anything?

I watched after reading people commenting about it on the AV Club (basically saying that it was very good and very, very sad). I spoiled myself first (actually I watched the first 10 minutes and was already crying, so I spoiled myself to mentally prepare for the rest), but it still hit like a ton of bricks. reading

dammit, I was really hoping to get the whole song going. especially because its been stuck in my head for hours now!