Fattypants McGee

I really hate that about TV shows. The only good schools are ivy league (and only some of them), plus maybe MIT and Stanford. The kid only applies to the one dream school and no other. I've been rewatching the Gilmore Girls, and Lorelei makes a crack about how Rory only got to go to Yale because she went to a

he injured himself doing it on DWTS!


I really hope Alfonso Ribeiro can translate his DWTS win to a more prominent career. The man is definitely talented and has a lot of charisma. Seems like such a nice guy, too. I would totally watch the Banks later years

all these live action + CGI "adaptations" of Seuss's works need to stop. All have been awful bastardizations of wonderful original works

This is hands down my favorite cartoon Holiday special of all time. The great story, the great animation with beautiful colors…all so awesome. Great write up!

I remember loving Spaceballs as a kid, so I now refuse to rewatch it because I know it is actually pretty lousy, and I don't want my good memories ruined. For quality Mel Brooks, I've got my Young Frankenstein DVD

well, that combination sounds kind of batshit (in the good way)

During the first part of the movie, I was trying to figure out who the actor was (I forgot he was in it) and labeled him "Blandy McBlanderston" in my mind, and now that's all I can think

I've only watched the first few seasons of The Good Wife, but really do love Matt Czuchry on there (I only know vaguely that his character is in trouble, I really need to catch up!). It does help Logan a little, itty bitty tiny bit retroactively, but only a tiny bit. Not that any of her boyfriends were that great

I need to watch Glue. People mention it on here all the time (always positive), but I have no clue what it is about

I saw Snowpiercer at the local museum on their planetarium screen, which was a neat venue, but I was really tired and fell asleep right at the climax. Don't remember the last time I fell asleep at a theater! So I'll have to finish it on netflix. It was ok…Chris Evans is so freaking bland. I like him as Captain

I'm so sorry for your loss! Pancreatic cancer is so horrible and moves so fast. Wishing your family comfort in this tough time!

yeah, it was a really interesting and well-acted, self-contained story. i have no idea what they'll do for the second series (I feel the same way about Broadchurch)

was that Driver doing the voiceover? I heard on the radio tonight that it was Andy Serkis, but, as talented a voice artist as Serkis is, it really doesn't sound like him

man, I thought I was the only person that remembered that. Seriously, I was starting to think it was some weird fever dream of rolling fish heads

all it takes is that majestic star wars theme to get me excited!

ryan gosling as wayne gretzky would be perfect casting!

yeah, it is ridiculous. my sister once called me a baby killer at thanksgiving because i voted for al gore. this is why i spend thanksgiving with other people's families now. why do people even want to talk about politically sensitive topics at holiday dinners? just seems like a recipe for a ruined dinner

I find the priest much more unlikeable in Gracepoint than I did in Broadchurch. I l do love Arthur Darvill, but it isn't just the actor, because I have good feelings towards Kevin Rankin thanks to Friday Night Lights. I think the writers have made the priest more annoying and prickish in Gracepoint