Fattypants McGee

all it takes to get "too many dicks on the dancefloor" stuck in my head is reading the title

I have a cat that is (her lower jaw was broken as a newborn and never fixed, so it didn't grow, is at an angle, and her tongue hangs out all the time). I always thought I could totally turn her into an internet meme and become rich and famous. But I actually love my cat and don't really want to exploit her.

your so rite!

turkey for some, miniature american flags for others!

he's really a talented choreographer and isn't afraid to put on a silly outfit to make a fun and memorable routine (I can't imagine Derek or one of the Russians donning a Mario mustache and costume). But I would have been pissed if she won (maybe my not so irrational hate of Duck Dynasty coming through? — but really,

I was happy with the outcome! (well, I don't think Sadie deserved 2nd place over Janel, but I love Mark so its ok). I hope this helps Alfonso's career — very talented and seems like a genuinely nice guy


oh boy, a discussion on the proper pluralization of penis! how insightful..thanks you tube comments!

it gets me every time. i really think it is one of the most beautiful montages ever put in film

oh yes. i have to admit, it is hard to clap at people making nazi salutes, even knowing the story ahead of time.

I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls, which has been interesting with the different perspective age has given me. I'm a lot more sympathetic to Lorelei's parents now, and find her much more self-involved and insufferable than I did the first time I watched the series. I credit Lauren Graham with taking what could be a

"The one touch I can identify with Inarritu's work is that he composes beautiful shots of city realism, featuring cluttered and lived-in apartments, for example, and then adds the surreal."

Birdman definitely takes some processing. The acting is fantastic, especially Keaton and Edward Norton. For most of the movie, I didn't think I really liked it, but when it got near the end, when he's wandering around the city (trying to be as vague as possible), I just got this huge grin on my face and loved that

I really enjoyed On Such a Full Sea, although I remember feeling like it ended abruptly. I think it is one that I should re-read, though, and really savor.

That ending makes the movie for me. Perfect ending

I forgot about that. Then they wash it and use it any way. sometimes you need to let things go

Well, I liked it, I'm a technical person, and I pretty much exclusively read fiction for pleasure, including Jane Austen (but not McCarthy, yet). I liked its sparse style and overly pragmatic main character. I can also see that it would not be for everyone, as it doesn't shy away from the narrator being very

but, that would make sense? i didn't think you were allowed to make sense on the internet. i think i read that on upworthy or something

I wish honorary degrees would just go away. I feel that they diminish the hard work it takes to actually earn a degree

I agree. North & South is my favorite (one of my favorite things ever, actually). I liked the original Cranford better than the sequel, too. I liked Wives & Daughters, but don't remember it that well. Guess it is time for a rewatch!