Fattypants McGee

how cute is Slimey in that astronaut suit?

"that was not darn fine answer!"

Damn, he just cuts her off. She's got her own song going on!

those twin beaks are really creepy looking!

I remember seeing that as a kid. So beautiful, visually and aurally.

We had a discussion here about why early 90s films look more dated than those from the 50s, 60s, and 70s one time. Apparently, it was the crappy film stock they started using in the late eighties if I remember correctly, which maybe is also the explanation here?

For those of you interested in natural history/ecology/animal behavior, this book is an interesting read. In all seriousness, I highly recommend it

thank you! honestly hadn't checked in a while, so I appreciate the heads up

I always thought the drawing looked like a thumb. This wouldn't lead me to guess dignity, of course

She must be. The only explanation for Orson Pink. And that always happens on TV shows when one half of a young couple dies http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/…

I really grew to like Clara over this season, after not really feeling very strongly about her last season. Jenna Coleman really came into her own this season. I cried at the ending, and felt so sad when she lost Danny (over and over)

this is the only episode of NuWho I haven't seen, to my eternal disappointment. I don't understand why the specials aren't on Netflix, but all the regular season episodes are :-(

I totally didn't get it. I noticed Jenna Coleman's name was listed first and was like "wtf? now the companion is listed before the Doctor? when did that happen?" In other news, I'm an idiot

he gives good pout

I used to think that about going to the movies alone, but I've since started and now I actually prefer it. I'm the type of person who worries if the person I'm with is enjoying themselves, so I actually relax and enjoy the movie more on my own. That said, I do feel weird going to a "kid's" movie alone, which is why

This is really what I was trying to say, but apparently did so pretty poorly. Max has certain characteristics because he has Asperger's, and others because he's a spoiled brat. It would be interesting for the show to explore that just because someone has a diagnosis, doesn't mean the fit a particular mold or that it

I agree with what you are saying, and have had the same thoughts (anyone can be a complete ass, and that might just be Max's personality irrespective of his Asperger's). But what really bugs me about this show is that the way Adam and Kristina always react to Max's behavior is to say "well, he has Asperger's, and

I'm kind of sick of hysterical teenagers on this show. Between Ruby and Max, they are always screeching about something, and I'm totally over it. It is actually having a serious impact on my enjoyment of the show as a whole. Remember how Haddie was in the first season? Teenage characters can be nuanced!

I've watched it on comedy central, too, and they cut it so much it is barely at PG-13.

Is it necessary to shell out the money for IMAX, do you think?