Fattypants McGee

This actually played for free at the local university last night. I thought it was a Terrence Malick film based on what the local NPR guys said, but I guess they were making the same comparison and I misheard. I was going to go, since we don't get too many films in southern Indiana playing before their official

and from that I learned that "Gwydion" is apparently a name! Huh! The more you know

yeah, as I hit the 6th minute I realized I would be singing "Too many cooks!" for hours in my head. I think it still beats Taylor Swift's latest song, which was stuck in my head for about 10 hours after NPR did a story on her yesterday morning

if you had actually heard it, you would be complaining. Because you'd get it stuck in your head for 12 hours, only to be reminded of it once you rid your head of it by an innocuous comment on the AV Club

He definitely gets an A for theatricality. I did really like the little mermaid routine. He seems like the only one that doesn't take himself too seriously to do something like that. I think Whitney would be his female counterpart in that way.

I find Mark and interesting case. I've only seriously watched 2 seasons of this show, and in both seasons, he was paired with an uber-Christian who won't do anything "sexy" on a show that is all about "sexy." maybe because he's the only one willing to keep his shirt on, I don't know, but do you think this affects his

didn't they grow up together?

yes, especially for talking about shows that don't get their own reviews, but that some of us enjoy talking about here

yeah, this entry was better than most because there was an interesting and personal story behind it, not just "cause it sucks"

a friend of mine in college would respond to the phrase "fucking A" by saying "fuck a B, its got 2 holes"

O'Neal, you magnificent bastard!

At first I thought this was a Simpsons reference, then I was confused, now I'm scared

My favorite caller was someone whose car was infested with snakes, and had been knowingly driving it like that for years

I read the book before the casting news, and in some ways I can picture Matt Damon, but more like the Matt Damon of 10 years ago. I just think he's a touch too old for the role, but it isn't the most egregious casting I've ever seen

on the flip side, I read that book in a week (really , 2 weekends). I really liked it, but I enjoy those sorts of historical novels with a large number of characters (it kind of reminded me of The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell). I think it would be tough to read The Luminaries over many months

I didn't know that's why they sucked on pacifiers (although I knew that the pacifiers was a thing at raves). Learn something new everyday. You are also a braver person than I (human vomit is so disgusting)

I'm sorry about the job. I'm sure something will come along! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I felt the same way about Snuff Box. I love Matt Berry. I'm looking forward to Nightcrawler!

I have a really tiring job, so I often spend the weekends in a lump, reading or watching tv/movies. I feel like crap by the end because I've laid around so much

this was the best joke in the whole thing