Captain Jamuary

"I am the Bob Ursay of love!"

The Twilight Zone — "Perchance to Dream", "And the Sky was Opened", "It's a Good Life."

When spelling the word "pants", remember the silent "k".

When spelling the word "pants", remember the silent "k".

I can speak The X-Files backwards and forwards — I loved the series and hope we get one more movie out of Mulder and Scully.  And I really appreciate and enjoy Todd's critical writing; it's always lively and smart even if one doesn't agree with his point of view (a fine necessary 10 list but Bad Blood and/or Jose

I can speak The X-Files backwards and forwards — I loved the series and hope we get one more movie out of Mulder and Scully.  And I really appreciate and enjoy Todd's critical writing; it's always lively and smart even if one doesn't agree with his point of view (a fine necessary 10 list but Bad Blood and/or Jose

I think ZH's reviews are terrific — I was just in a rush yesterday and was looking forward to the review but realized with the comments it was going to take up a better part of my afternoon— so I laid on my couch and read the whole damn thing.  I'm a better, if lazier, person for it.

A very smart review, ZH (if a little over-long).  I don't know if it has been mentioned here but the original concept of the Descent two parter was to be TNG's variation on Heart of  Darkness/Apocalypse Now — an idea that got lost along the way which can happen when there are too many writers in the writers' room.  I

Are you nuts?  And how old were you when this episode aired:   It's the farthest thing from racism but it is about race,  Watch the grace notes of Baldwin and Leo and that last scene that Mr. Nugent eloquently expresses.  Yes, Robin Williams is a white man who strays into a black neighborhood, guess what, that really

Th musical bookends, as Mr. Nugent points out, signal one of the ways Homicide really changed television story-telling.  Excellent analysis of one of the best ten episodes of the series.  Like Every Mother's Son, it balances vitims'  grief with professionalism of the Job while telling a very specific story of

I think Giardello referred to suspect Dawson's "creaky memory" in disparaging his alibi. There are a lot of fun and intriguing names in Homicide and the writers gave it to Lewis to point them out every once and a while.

The Big Man
I'm a bit surprised by the negative feelings regarding Beatty. He provides another unique and authentic voice in a cast of cops who all speak with more authority than their like before or since (even including the incomparable The Wire).
Beatty's Bolander was loosely based on the real life Balto

Are you people just dumb or nuts? She's terrific and her performance in this episode helped make it a knock out. Sometimes I hate commenting.

Betsy Brandt Rocked This Episode
She ran the show and was wearing those heels. A killer performance in a small role that supports the entire series' drive of ordinary people doing bad things that really aren't about good and bad, just about the impossible situation of life. And I love to look at her.

I agree with your remarks on Beatty as Bolander in the pilot, Gone for Goode,and in Crosetti but I think if you look back at Simon's book, the detective Donald Worden who was the general inspiration for Bolander was having a notably rough year with cases unsolved and being saddled with a notorious cop-involved

Citizen Kane Hearst?
A well considered and thoughtful review, Mr. Nugent. I posted a complaint some weeks ago that reviews for Homicide were getting a kind of short shrift considering it's understated importance and influence as compared to the more incisive writing on this site's TV Club (Trek, Buffy, The

Why I love the AV Club
Homicide and The Twilight Zone — television's best, Mad Men is on a break. And Breaking Bad.is back.so.on. We've got to find something to talk about

Deck 47
Although I mostly agree with ZH on the fundamentals, that saucer crash thrilled the audience I first saw it with. And not having read all the comments, and watching Generations now, the Kirk sequence really works, even if it was conceived with Spock and McCoy. And it does set up his sacrifice (as does his

All right, you caught me there.

The Perfect Mate
A very well written critique, ZH, on an episode I always enjoyed but thought little of beyond its resonance with "Elaan of Troyus" and Famke Janssen's immediate appeal. Nice, simply stated insights on all our search for the perfect mate.