Captain Jamuary

Off Format
Why are "off-format" episodes amongst the best of any well-made series, from the points of view of both the casual viewer and the die-hard? "The Curse of Frank Black", "Somehow Satan Got Behind Me" from Millennium, the Jose Chungs from both Millennium and The X-Files, The X-Files' Bad Blood and X-Cops,

trivial discontinuity
In the third season Homicide episode "Partners", Detectives Munch, Lewis and Bayliss have opened the bar they've bought together, The Waterfront. It's their big opening night but nobody has turned up yet. Bayliss and Lewis are quietly but unconvincingly confident they'll get a good a good

fun fact
I went to film school at York University with Jon Jofffin, the DOP of this episode of The X-Files. I think he considers it among his best work and I agree. "Musings…" is beautifully made in every way. It refers to a variety of feature films — Apocalypse Now, JFK, and Forrest Gump — and equals them in many

Sorry, ZH. I misread.

Yesterday's Enterprise — the score
Sorry, Zack. I love your reviews and generally agree with them but I think the melodramatic score on Yesterday's Enterprise worked beautifully (it's an episode, quite frankly, firing on all cylinders as happen with the best TV series at some point), and McCarthey's Williams inspired

Talent Show
When I saw Bill at the piano, I kind of wanted another brief burst of political satire-singing. But I agree with Ms. Bowman in regard to Vicki Lewis's song.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's generally believed that Mr. Shatner suggested to Paramount home video that they release the special edition DVD of V with editorial revisions and CG effects, as was done with Robert Wise and TMP but was rejected for financial reasons. A bit of a shame — I don't think these

Mr. Meyer writes about the title changes in his exceptionally entertaining memoir, "A View from the Bridge" and speaks about the topic in his commentaries on the II and VI DVDs.

Is it just me or is all the talk about mirrors in the Sideways reality ignoring the fact that the Sideways reality is primarily a metaphoric mirror to all we have previously learned and presumed about LOST and its characters? Granted, I hope that Sideways reality and Island reality fold in on themselves in a

Note to Lorne
Dump Keenan Thompson and Seth Meyers (hire a head write with some talent and bring in someone new for Update) — build the show around Hader, Wiig, Forte, and Sudekis while keeping Armisen around for Obama (providing he does a better job than this last show) as well as general weirdness and use Samberg

Imagine if Abraham Lincoln was a vampire…
It might go something like this…

I'm unsure of what happened in some of the episodes as my interest in the series waxed and waned. Can they bring back Reed Diamond?

The series always had a strange quality of loneliness to it throughout and "Vienna Waits" is a prime exemplar. The Billy Joel had something to do with that.

Sorry for the typos.

"I've been on some strange worlds, witneessed some strage customed; maybe this is a form of torture."
One of your best write-ups yet, ZH; no sense of Trek-fatigue for me. Your take (and I've been a fan longer, and am older, than you) always gives me a genuine laugh and a happy face, and even some nostalgic sadness,

In My best Bill McNeil Voice..
Beautifully done again, Ms. Bowman. Are you available next Saturday?

All the best Bowie songs are about Outer Space, one way or another.

2 Really Good Ones
I definitely have to disagree with Zack on "Babel"; it's in my Top 10. The blend of intergalactic intrigue, family melodrama (remember, this was really the only time in TOS we were given a peak into a character's family life - and it's Spock's!), and great character beats for Kirk, McCoy, Uhura,

I Say This Without Irony
The cover of the Rolling Stone got it right many years ago…

I always hoped he'd pop up one of the original cast's films, maybe in III when Bones was in the bar trying to hire an illegal space flight to Genesis.