Mr. Banana Skin

Just say mean things about Dane Cook.

Speaker gets a lot better once you realize it's not Ender's Game.

Liked for "double Cs!"

@PaulKinsey, fire your copy editor!

Distortion does not urgency replace. This is dad rock.

Or do judge him by a movie he made more than a decade ago, called Tigerland, that not even Joel Schumacher could destroy. Cause it's awesome.

Ah, my mistake. My lord they were good though.

It seems those that love Tender hate Ambulance (Think Tank) and those that hate Tender love Ambulance. I'm of the latter group.

For that matter, Emery vs Biron

Libertines were the tits.

As a hockey fan who has seen it, I recommend the shit out of it. Great movie.

And then your helmet cracks and your eyes explode.

The Sweet Hereafter?

Never heard Pitchfork or AvClub say anything as cheeseball as this:

It's about time Michael Bay cashes in on all those favours we owe him.

So dumb.

So… What if Bella was in Cosmopolis?

Coming up next in the AVClub comment boards:

Golden shower. She then went on to use it in as many sentences as she could.

Thought the same. It was flawless until the inevitable end of the second act bro-mance collapse that the beginning of the third act had to resolve before things could get back on track. Tons of fun regardless.