Mr. Banana Skin

If it's anything like his chin, I have no doubt that George Lucas' taint is, in fact, unmistakeable.

At a funeral in Montreal I explained to my very curious great aunt what it's called when people pee on each other.

Don't forget "El Cunado", the first thing Rafi's taught me in years.

I have to work on my tone I think. Twice in two days now I've agreed with someone only to have them think I was doing the opposite, so all apologies.

Not sure if you're familiar with it, but there was a movie made of your journey across Middle Earth that was acclaimed for its faithfulness to the actual events of your trek, among other things.

I subscribe to neither of these rules, I should point out.

First rule of AVClub: Don't compare The Hunger Games to Battle Royale.

So ultimately TGWTDT's biggest mistake was not being published by Scholastic.


@avclub-97af7b4928a675f051bdaf7dae69dfd2:disqus With all due respect, to say that a book written for young adults is not meant to be well written is a pretty huge disservice to all of those that are.

Holy crap I completely forgot about the Long Walk, but that story was awesome.

Then TGWTDG must be a pretty freaking horrible book.

And when dude figured it out he got really boring.

And bad news Canada, Metric has a new album coming out this summer, so expect to hear nothing but for the next two years.

I'll give this a go, Archmage. Have any similar tricks for the Hip?

Nice weather today no? GO SENS!

The Bear? BobFM? You from Ottawa?

Any thoughts on the TMBG cover of "New York City"?

Don't see why not. Just don't tell David S.

I hated on it because the halfway ending was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen, and the actual ending wasn't.