Mr. Banana Skin

Fickle indie rock audience? Have you any idea who your audience is?

You lightsaber cocksucker, you.

Start with No Culture Icons. That song is them exploding in your face. Then listen to whatever you want since you now know what they're capable of.

"Krycek got his arm back, and he's pissed."

Crank was the tits. Crank 2 was the [rhymes with tits].

This whole page is the weirdest thing I've ever seen on this website.

Oh, I thought you were Mike's grand daughter.

Apparently the proper way to pronounce Bjork is to rhyme it with "work", which indicates that we've all been saying "work" wrong forever.

Found Super 8 to be a nice tribute to 80's movies and mentalities. Didn't see the monster all that well, though, was watching a shitty cam. Which is maybe why I thought it was an 80's tribute.

and this is an example of a right opinion.^

I'd be pretty demanding if I asked him to zip them all up wouldn't I.

Noticed a typo, Spiraling Shape by TMBG wasn't on the list.

Sounds like noone's seen Coldplay either. Sheesh. What a slog.

Go fuck yourselves!
(No, don't, I'm just kidding… dummies.)

Thank you for pointing that out. I was wondering that myself.

Blame Canada.

Where is your minds…..

Going to make any effort to punish the NHL for the lockout? I'm not going to buy tickets to games, but I'll happily go for free, and I can't wait to watch. Feel like I'm giving up way too easily though. God damn it NHL, I just can't quit you.

Holy crap, you're RIGHT.

What's the deal with omnipotent future folk always hanging out in stark white rooms? (See: The Architect)