Mr. Banana Skin

Cornell is to pretty boy as his Billie Jean cover is to good.

Heroin seems like a questionable approach to self medication.


The Wrestler is probably the worst movie he's ever made, actually. My daughter convinced me the day we stumbled upon a vacant and unlocked ballroom and went dancing.

But definitely take shrooms and watch Requiem with your parents.

I heard it just after Gilmartin randomly admitted to ignoring Maron while wondering if he would ask him about his Republican character. It was shortly after that when Gilmartin started talking about his father, also just shortly after Maron mentioned that sometimes "he just needs an hour" when people want to bare

Thought the Diablo Cody one was great.

Anything Ender related, great. Empire's freaking horrible.

So the second one's about heartbreak too then. But dude style?

What about cooter? Is cooter racist in the UK too?

So…. aliens?

The vodka's actually really, really good.

He went to the same high school as me, years earlier, and was kicked out of it after apparently throwing a briefcase into the in-session House of Commons at Canada's Parliament and screaming "BOMB" while on a field trip.

Well said.

What about roots based rock?

And Peyton's about to.

Many thanks, bubs.

Listen to Guillemots!

Yeah Canadians are pretty well versed in the ways of the states. We have to be nice to you guys so you don't just take us over.

Anyone seen the opening credit sequence to the Tintin movie? That shit's magical.