Mr. Banana Skin

Canadians got the jist of it, and yes I speak for all of them, despite their wonderful free (as long as you're in no real hurry) health care. Also in Canada, the teacher's union owns pretty much everything.

Stay out of real estate, String.

Everyone will wear internet-enabled sunglasses is the new everyone will drive flying cars

Can someone please translate what "Taking the piss" means?

So why is Karmin so horrible? I mean, I saw the SNL clips. They definitely sucked. But after hearing so much about "What is a Karmin?" I was surprised to find just a really really annoying lead singer. I think SNL's booker had them on to make Lana Del Rey feel better about herself.

Get outta my house.


And mine.

We go way back.

Mr. Banana Skin

And somewhere in the world, Stellan Skarsgard cries softly

Except in this one the main characters likely won't finish the movie with guns pointed at each other's heads.

Ah AHHHH ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Music labels would tend to disagree with you.

And America inches closer to its fate of electing presidents via reality tv.

Canadians don't spread for no roses.

Man, all I wanted while watching Public Enemies was for Johnny Depp to just die already so I could go home. I'll give Collateral another go. To Mr. Christ, no freaking way! Heat was the TITS.

Heat, for me, is a classic. Collateral, Miami Vice, Public Enemies, not so much.

I'd happily watch that face fake orgasms.

And sports commentators like to say "Of late", while the rest of the world does not.