Mr. Banana Skin

So… why even put up with 6 hours then? Your statement is a mobius strip of faulty logic. Find the smallest unit of time, keep whining? Maybe it's less a matter of running time and more a matter of patience? It's not like the Wire is known for its filler episodes.

any room for new players next season? if so i'd love in.

Saw him in the Debt and he's actually pretty good in it. Changed my opinion on the guy. And his face.

Going to assume you didn't much enjoy them apples.


I know of at least one person. Said usage restrictions just make it too hard to steal the music of the artists paid to perform in this ad about where best to steal their music.

so when's mediafire going to put out their music video?

Guess I know who didn't die in the first one then!

Is that the mode where he screams constantly and speaks in all caps?

The trend being:

GO SENATORS! (Now that the Bears are doomed)

How to become interested in hockey, a step by step guide:

Hey Drake. Remember Canada? Remember when wheelchair??


My dog's name is actually your mom.

In other news, Roethlisburger is a freak.

Mine's Tobey Gerhart!

And what of the feces of your guests?

My point being that when Bon Iver is monotonous and introspective, he is a genius, but when Drake is monotonous and introspective, he is a pussy.

I would recommend that you listen to the song "Christmas Steps" (aka "Xmas Steps") by Mogwai off their album "Come On Die Young" (aka "Cody").