Mr. Banana Skin

Somebody went to college!

The best part was when all the hipster indie loving emo kids went on avclub to call Drake a pussy.

Bah, you don't have to apologize for Ottawa. It's not your fault.

I didn't realize I disliked Paul Gross until I read your comment, and…. you're right. It's because of Due South.

Ah, my apologies. Stole your MacIvor "House" thunder up there (edit, down there). And you actually saw the play. You lucky such and such, you.

Daniel MacIvor too. Seen House? Watch House. And in case you think I'm talking about a TV show about a doctor, or a horror movie, check this:

And now we have a good review of a Twilight movie. AVClub.com…. on notice.

For real? I'm not following the praise that everyone around here seems to be giving the writing quality of these books. I've been plodding through the first book for what seems like forever now, and really…. the writing blows. Aren't you all supposed to be critical? And cynical? Of everything? Not clear on why this

Anyone gone after those that use the word "of" in place of "have"? I find that to be a far uglier crime than the "their/they're/there" or "two/too/to" or "than/then".

Ambulance, yo. That song is like the good version of Tender.

Don't worry. Chris Walla's bound to steer the music wrong at every opportunity by continuing to turn Gibbard's vocals up to 12 while sending the rest of the mix into obscurity…..


Pretty sure that's a literary technique to describe how overall the game is frustratingly infuriating and infuriatingly frustrating.

I thought the Spirit was awesome. I'm wrong though, right?

Don't worry, when the shark eats him, you won't be expecting it.

Anything that gets an upskirt on the cover of the National Post I'm all for.

Agreed. There really doesn't seem to be much concern over the battery life of that walkie-talkie, given all the dramatic pauses and lyrical rambling it's forced to transmit.

The autodraft would also give everyone the same number of players, fill the same positions, and spell Knowshon properly, so that was all kind of bunk.

Just make sure Harper doesn't find out about this.

Why all the drama? The main character of this show works for the CIA. The CIA, at least according to television, operates above the law. Can't that just be the setup? Do we really have to go deeper?