Mr. Banana Skin

Oh don't watch those, you'll probably hate them too.

Some jazz cd.

Wait, did someone just compare the Sandlot to Jershey Shore? Cause no.

Gale Boetticher, only second to Al Swearengen in the list of Seth Bullock's ass polyps.

Well that's at least 16 more opportunities to say "Dawes" then.

This should probably end soon.

…and Damages.

Fat faced Leonardo Dicaprio looks like Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Which kind of explains why Jesse's girlfriend is still around, and why we've been watching Jesse's girlfriend's kid play video games. Cause they're gonna be necessary in about….. oh… Sunday.



Interestingly enough, a buddy's just come back from overseas where he turned into a giant Wagner (and opera in general) fan, so I'll admit my interest is piqued.

Sweet Clam! Let's hang out and make websites together.

See "Traffic". South of the border = yellow. North of the border = blue.

I'm going to lift my #boycott of your hilarious comment!

"If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there."

I think they laid out their intentions with the minerals when Hank was explaining to… I don't remember… what he was learning from the minerals. In a nutshell, how to catalogue and group them by various characteristics.