Judge Chamberlain Haller

Perhaps the most vivid dream I ever had was one in which I went to a movie theater, paid money, bought a soda, watched an entire movie that doesn't exist and has never existed (a French cop thriller without subtitles – and I don't speak French!), stayed through the credits, then got up and left. I woke up just as I

"Thank you, Señor MacGyver – you saved our village!"

He is Mr. Helen Mirren, though. Does that count for anything?

"He's grizzled! He's fancy! He's … also surprisingly fancy!"

"He's grizzled! He's fancy! He's … also surprisingly fancy!"

See, in the future, people wear long black coats and there are JUNIOR colleges…

See, in the future, people wear long black coats and there are JUNIOR colleges…

wtf is "MacGuyver" lol

wtf is "MacGuyver" lol



Next on Cinemax.

Next on Cinemax.

Consistently and thoroughly.

Consistently and thoroughly.

I thought of that one as well. (Wasn't the episode titled "Buy Hard"?)

I thought of that one as well. (Wasn't the episode titled "Buy Hard"?)

"Airplane!" at age 6 was the first awkward movie moment I remember. My family had gone to a drive-in theater (now long gone) for the weekend double feature. We had made it through the first movie without surprise, and now were really enjoying the sheer comic madness of "Airplane!" (rated PG, which was probably why our

"Airplane!" at age 6 was the first awkward movie moment I remember. My family had gone to a drive-in theater (now long gone) for the weekend double feature. We had made it through the first movie without surprise, and now were really enjoying the sheer comic madness of "Airplane!" (rated PG, which was probably why our

One of my favorite Macy roles is the cop he plays in "Cellular" (no, really). I got the sneaking suspicion as I watched it that he was allowed to re-write every last one of his scenes. When he is ultimately forced into drawing his weapon and killing a bad guy for the first time in his career, his character's reaction