Judge Chamberlain Haller

One of my favorite Macy roles is the cop he plays in "Cellular" (no, really). I got the sneaking suspicion as I watched it that he was allowed to re-write every last one of his scenes. When he is ultimately forced into drawing his weapon and killing a bad guy for the first time in his career, his character's reaction

Wasn't that also a Sega Genesis game?

Wasn't that also a Sega Genesis game?

How economical.

How economical.

Arts and crafts will be performed on brand-new COBY 7-inch tablets, the "safety-scissor and circle of paper" of Android devices.

Arts and crafts will be performed on brand-new COBY 7-inch tablets, the "safety-scissor and circle of paper" of Android devices.

Man alive, that Brenda Starr trailer is effing HILARIOUS. It looks like one of those fake ads that would've shown up in a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker spoof. And Don LaFontaine's voiceover only makes the whole thing funnier.

Man alive, that Brenda Starr trailer is effing HILARIOUS. It looks like one of those fake ads that would've shown up in a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker spoof. And Don LaFontaine's voiceover only makes the whole thing funnier.

And about presenting a hell of an impressive dinner-slash-floor show.

And about presenting a hell of an impressive dinner-slash-floor show.

Respected character actor Dennis Boutsikaris was last seen in this summer's The Bourne Legacy, as one of the guys neck-deep in the conspiracy, sharing overheated speeches with Stacy Keach and Edward Norton.

Respected character actor Dennis Boutsikaris was last seen in this summer's The Bourne Legacy, as one of the guys neck-deep in the conspiracy, sharing overheated speeches with Stacy Keach and Edward Norton.

It was a belt Fi had picked up at the boutique (when she was meeting with Agent Tweedledee).

It was a belt Fi had picked up at the boutique (when she was meeting with Agent Tweedledee).

MST3K, either season 3 or 4. I would have loved to be in that writing room before or even after that, but it seems that the writing staff finally locked onto what made the show really work well in those years.

MST3K, either season 3 or 4. I would have loved to be in that writing room before or even after that, but it seems that the writing staff finally locked onto what made the show really work well in those years.

"It's free caramel apple day!"

"It's free caramel apple day!"

Secrets & Lies is one of those movies that has just stuck with me. I haven't seen it in at least a decade, but it's such a vivid, honest and humane piece of storytelling that I feel like I just watched it whenever I so much as see the title.