
No one who eats Germans could be an evil man.

Same here! "Here's looking at you, kid"? I mean, what the hell kind of catchphrase is that?

Well, that was all good fun, and we all had a jolly good laugh.

The two most common Monty Python references for Milkproof Robot are the Argument Sketch, Raymond Luxury-Yacht, and Cannibalism in the British Navy. THREE! The three most common references are…

Never heard of that one, sorry.

You wanna hurt Great Job, Internet!? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. It's an easy target. Yeah, you're right. It posts too much. It also reads the comments too much. It could be a cold-hearted cynic like you, but it doesn't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about Great Job,

Nothin' up her sleeve… PRESTO!

That explains Liberace's top 40 entries.

If this is anyone but Fred Willard, *you're stealing my bit*!

These days, I don't think the Stones mess and fool around like they uuuused to.

Would you accept a slightly greenish, foul-tempered person who spends most of his time in a garbage can?

We have both men's and ladies' fedoras!

(That's bad.)

This Wahlberg was in a John Moore movie.

But the Wahlberg in question is not Donnie.

[runs off to register Dirtsteak Milkbikes at spot.im]

I loved his stand-up. And it wasn't until reading this article that I realized when we anthropomorphize our guinea pig and pretend to speak for him, we do it in Mitch Hedberg's voice.

Both -Seat and -Sheriff.

Google Maps informed me yesterday that, very close to a concert venue I'll be attending in Milwaukee, there stands a statue called "The Bronze Fonz".

The commentariat continued to chant, "Spambot! Spambot! Spambot!" for no one in particular.