
"And the review you had on 'Last Train to Clarksville', which was merely a four word review, just said 'Last Train to Shitsville'. "

Maybe you're really Chief Justice John Marshall, and this article is just a fevered dying-coma dream of yours because an ex-lover went into the naval grease business?

Much of Grease was filmed at John Marshall high school in Los Feliz, which is one block away from the cottages on Griffith Park Blvd. where Betty/Diane offs herself in Mulholland Dr.

Over there, in the park! It's a Mr. Black! You can catch a Mr. Black!

"We need more Steinem!"

He should play Frankie Yankovic, king of Cleveland polka (and no relation).

Can you say that again, please, but while wearing the Chewbacca mask?

I. Kneaded. Bread.

Wondering if you can blame it on how she cancelled her U.S. tour to support that first album, possibly to reschedule into bigger places? Because she had blown up in Europe? Not sure if my memory is accurate (and too lazy to Google).

(Preceded by training montage/super-cut of the bad guy wanking 850 times.)

In the spirit of this article, they can most certainly be two things.

I sure hope the line, "I shot a man in Reno/Just to watch him die," was instructional, or else I've got a whole passel of apologizin' to do.

I was scrolling down to say that I saw him on tour a few (six?) years ago, and it was an outstanding show. He talked a lot about the songs and the music, and he wore a GoPro on his head that projected on the screen behind him. I was expecting to be nostalgically disappointed, but it was great.

Well, as a noted scientist, it's a bit surprising that the world bothered *him* with "SCIENCE!".

I can't decide if I would get more or less done if my work background noise was that of, say, a manic car chase, or an x-wing/tie fighter battle.

We didn't. Why, he's at your house right now. [opens massive cellphone; raises antenna; hands it to Mighty Manotaur]


Not yet, but a recommendation from my secret Internet best friend is good enough for me!

It is (soon to be was) great for ironing. So familiar that I barely needed to look up.

I seeā€¦ And how would this composition compare to one which was set to, say, a bunch of Garfield-without-Garfield images, which I could also afford?