
Sure, you say that now, but don't forget: St. Patrick's Day is next month.

Take Avery to the pit. Go, Big-Booty. Use more honey. Find out what he knows.

Miss Hoover? My worm went in my hand and then I wanked it…

I preferred to call it "edging my white Bronco down the freeway".

Zat's a bingo!

(Is zat how zee Internet says it, "Zat's a bingo"?)

Elway's tall, but he hardly qualifies as a Clydesdale.

I walked into the room mid-commercial on this one, and my question was, "What happened to eject him from his body?!"

I'm allergic to Z-Pak, and several other erythromycin derivatives.

"Excuse me, Mr. Golberg? There's a diaper company on line 1 asking about product placement."

The Ukraine is *wheat*.

How dare you! [chases a nude PBR around Disqus while Yakety Sax plays]

I was saying "Boo-ukharin".

I'm not sure I buy that. Airplane! was an entirely different movie altogether.

Pffft! What about Char— oh, right. Good call.

It's not logorrhea. It's just some Indonesian junk that's going 'round.

Go back to Alaska, Sarah. You're drunk.

Don't pull your Oscar attendance out on me, baby.

A.V. Club
…[H]ost to reader commentary that will restore the faith in humanity you lose whenever you mistakenly read a few YouTube comments.

No, gol-dangin' dagblammit, the Sheriff is a por—[BONG]!!!

And also, you should win stuff by commenting!