He's just so excited because he started PCP today. Don't worry though, he's moved on to LSD.
He's just so excited because he started PCP today. Don't worry though, he's moved on to LSD.
It must be very disappointing to learn that he's still married. What do you and your perverse love of Todd plan to do about that one?
Ah, yes. This is exactly why I come to these Community reviews! For arguments about the distance of the Earth to the Sun and its effects on the changing of the seasons!
You'd be surprised. Sometimes, I can come back to the AV Club only to find someone has responded to something I said several days before!
@avclub-fc0917d88195961172274194b3525c14:disqus , I would buy that! It's a bit costly, but the man was quite the looker way back when.
The Invasion reference made the episode for me. Yeah, the Annie and Britta stuff was good too, guys, but while I found both scenes enjoyable, I also found them a bit off-putting. Maybe if I watch Annie's scene on mute, I'll enjoy it more.
You don't say? I might have to give Suburgatory a another chance.
Because it's lasted so… long, right?
So, if this continues on, by season 4, all the female characters will be wearing nothing besides g-strings and pasties!
Hey, man, you're not the only one. That girl has quite the chest on her. The only thing you did wrong was bring it up. It's perfectly okay to think about these things as long as - and here's the important part - YOU KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
I certainly hope you do!
Bite my shiny metal ass!
Plus, they also have that hunter from "Season 7, Time for a Wedding!", Garth. He might have a chance to come back.
Looks like you need someone to inspect your wallet, there, buddy.
So, I have to choose one under-appreciated NBC show over another? Well, it was here first! I made my choice! Come and get me, AV Club!
"Pathetic. Simply pathetic. They didn't even bothering to outsource to an ACTUAL Japanese animation studio. The lousy animation is further insulted by the FAILED attempts to "parody" anime. It's like the writers haven't seen any anime since 1985, and even then, I doubt they have. Couldn't they have gone with something…
Yes, but our orgasms are ten times stronger than the average fan! And twenty times louder, too!
Yes, it was a bit strange not hearing much at all from Britta or Pierce. I didn't think I would, but I really missed those two!
I heard about that, and I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I actually voted against Community. It was a toss up, but between the two of them, I went with Chuck. I know, I'm a bad fan, but the show is in its final season, and I wanted to see it have its moment in the limelight one last time.
Give it a few hours. It will be.